function varargout = CorrClusTh(SPM,u,alpha,guess) % Find the corrected cluster size threshold for a given alpha % function [k,Pc] =CorrClusTh(SPM,u,alpha,guess) % SPM - SPM data structure % u - Cluster defining threshold % If less than zero, u is taken to be uncorrected P-value % alpha - FWE-corrected level (defaults to 0.05) % guess - Set to NaN to use a Newton-Rhapson search (default) % Or provide a explicit list (e.g. 1:1000) of cluster sizes to % search over. % If guess is a (non-NaN) scalar nothing happens, except the the % corrected P-value of guess is printed. % % Finds the corrected cluster size (spatial extent) threshold for a given % cluster defining threshold u and FWE-corrected level alpha. % %_________________________________________________________________________ % $Id: CorrClusTh.m,v 1.10 2006/05/08 15:31:02 nichols Exp $ Thomas Nichols, Marko Wilke epsP = 1e-6; % Corrected P-value convergence criterion (fraction of alpha) du = 1e-6; % Step-size for Newton-Rhapson maxi = 100; % Maximum interations for refined search if nargin<1 | isempty(SPM) load(spm_get(1,'SPM.mat', 'Select SPM.mat to check')); end df = [1 SPM.xX.erdf]; STAT = 'T'; n = 1; R = SPM.xVol.R; S = SPM.xVol.S; M = SPM.xVol.M; VOX = sqrt(diag(M(1:3,1:3)'*M(1:3,1:3)))'; FWHM = SPM.xVol.FWHM; FWHMmm= FWHM.*VOX; % FWHM {mm} v2r = 1/prod(FWHM(~isinf(FWHM))); %-voxels to resels sf_ShowVolInfo(R,S,VOX,FWHM,FWHMmm) if nargin<2 | isempty(u) u = spm_input(['Cluster defining th. {',STAT,' or p value}'],'+0','r',0.001,1); end if u <= 1; u = spm_u(u,df,STAT); end if nargin<3 | isempty(alpha) alpha = 0.05; end if nargin<4 | isempty(guess) guess = NaN; % 1:1000; end epsP = alpha*epsP; Status = 'OK'; if length(guess)==1 & ~isnan(guess) % % Dummy case... just report P-value % k = guess; Pc = spm_P(1,k*v2r,u,df,STAT,R,n,S); Status = 'JustPvalue'; elseif (spm_P(1,1*v2r,u,df,STAT,R,n,S) alpha) Pcu = Pcl; radl = radu; % Save previous result radu = radu*1.1; Pcl = spm_P(1,radu^3 ,u,df,STAT,R,n,S); end % % Newton-Rhapson refined search % d = 1; os = NaN; % Old sign ms = (radu-radl)/10; % Max step du = ms/100; % Linear interpolation for initial guess rad = radl*(alpha-Pcl)/(Pcu-Pcl)+radu*(Pcu-alpha)/(Pcu-Pcl); iter = 1; while abs(d) > epsP Pc = spm_P(1,rad^3 ,u,df,STAT,R,n,S); Pc1 = spm_P(1,(rad+du)^3,u,df,STAT,R,n,S); d = (alpha-Pc)/((Pc1-Pc)/du); os = sign(d); % save old sign % Truncate search if step is too big if abs(d)>ms, d = sign(d)*ms; end % Keep inside the given range if (rad+d)>radu, d = (radu-rad)/2; end if (rad+d)=maxi), Status = 'TooManyIter'; break; end end % Convert back kr = rad^3; k = ceil(kr/v2r); Pc = spm_P(1,k*v2r,u,df,STAT,R,n,S); % % Brute force! % else Pc = 1; for k = guess Pc = spm_P(1,k*v2r,u,df,STAT,R,n,S); %fprintf('k=%d Pc=%g\n',k,Pc); if Pc <= alpha, break; end end; if (Pc > alpha) Status = 'OutOfRange'; end end switch (Status) case {'JustPvalue'} fprintf([' For a cluster-defining threshold of %0.4f a cluster size threshold of\n'... ' %d has corrected P-value %g\n\n'],... u,k,Pc); case {'OK'} fprintf([' For a cluster-defining threshold of %0.4f the level %0.3f corrected\n'... ' cluster size threshold is %d and has size (corrected P-value) %g\n\n'],... u,alpha,k,Pc); case 'TooRough' fprintf(['\n WARNING: Single voxel cluster is significant!\n\n',... ' For a cluster-defining threshold of %0.4f a k=1 voxel cluster\n'... ' size threshold has size (corrected P-value) %g\n\n'],... u,Pc); case 'TooManyIter' fprintf(['\n WARNING: Automated search failed to converge\n' ... ' Try systematic search.\n\n']); case 'OutOfRange' fprintf(['\n WARNING: Within the range of cluster sizes searched (%g...%g)\n',... ' a corrected P-value <= alpha was not found (smallest P: %g)\n\n'],... guess(1),guess(end),Pc); fprintf([ ' Try increasing the range or an automatic search.\n\n']); otherwise error('Unknown status code'); end if nargout==1 varargout = {k}; elseif nargout>1 varargout = {k,Pc}; end function sf_ShowVolInfo(R,S,VOX,FWHM,FWHMmm) fprintf('\n Search Volume: %7d %0.2fx%.02fx%0.2f voxels\n',S,VOX); fprintf(' %7.2f cmm, %5.2f L, %5.2f RESELS\n',... S*prod(VOX),S*prod(VOX)/100^3,R(end)); fprintf([' %0.2fx%.02fx%0.2f mm FWHM, ',... '%0.2fx%.02fx%0.2f vox FWHM\n\n'],FWHMmm,FWHM); return