function resize_img(imnames, Voxdim, BB, ismask) % resize_img -- resample images to have specified voxel dims and BBox % resize_img(imnames, voxdim, bb, ismask) % % Output images will be prefixed with 'r', and will have voxel dimensions % equal to voxdim. Use NaNs to determine voxdims from transformation matrix % of input image(s). % If bb == nan(2,3), bounding box will include entire original image % Origin will move appropriately. Use world_bb to compute bounding box from % a different image. % % Pass ismask=true to re-round binary mask values (avoid % growing/shrinking masks due to linear interp) % % See also voxdim, world_bb % Based on John Ashburner's reorient.m % % % Adapted by Ged Ridgway -- email bugs to % This version doesn't check spm_flip_analyze_images -- the handedness of % the output image and matrix should match those of the input. % Check spm version: if exist('spm_select','file') % should be true for spm5 spm5 = 1; elseif exist('spm_get','file') % should be true for spm2 spm5 = 0; else error('Can''t find spm_get or spm_select; please add SPM to path') end spm_defaults; % prompt for missing arguments if ( ~exist('imnames','var') || isempty(char(imnames)) ) if spm5 imnames = spm_select(inf, 'image', 'Choose images to resize'); else imnames = spm_get(inf, 'img', 'Choose images to resize'); end end % check if inter fig already open, don't close later if so... Fint = spm_figure('FindWin', 'Interactive'); Fnew = []; if ( ~exist('Voxdim', 'var') || isempty(Voxdim) ) Fnew = spm_figure('GetWin', 'Interactive'); Voxdim = spm_input('Vox Dims (NaN for "as input")? ',... '+1', 'e', '[nan nan nan]', 3); end if ( ~exist('BB', 'var') || isempty(BB) ) Fnew = spm_figure('GetWin', 'Interactive'); BB = spm_input('Bound Box (NaN => original)? ',... '+1', 'e', '[nan nan nan; nan nan nan]', [2 3]); end if ~exist('ismask', 'var') ismask = false; end if isempty(ismask) ismask = false; end % reslice images one-by-one vols = spm_vol(imnames); for V=vols' % (copy to allow defaulting of NaNs differently for each volume) voxdim = Voxdim; bb = BB; % default voxdim to current volume's voxdim, (from mat parameters) if any(isnan(voxdim)) vprm = spm_imatrix(V.mat); vvoxdim = vprm(7:9); voxdim(isnan(voxdim)) = vvoxdim(isnan(voxdim)); end voxdim = voxdim(:)'; mn = bb(1,:); mx = bb(2,:); % default BB to current volume's if any(isnan(bb(:))) vbb = world_bb(V); vmn = vbb(1,:); vmx = vbb(2,:); mn(isnan(mn)) = vmn(isnan(mn)); mx(isnan(mx)) = vmx(isnan(mx)); end % voxel [1 1 1] of output should map to BB mn % (the combination of matrices below first maps [1 1 1] to [0 0 0]) mat = spm_matrix([mn 0 0 0 voxdim])*spm_matrix([-1 -1 -1]); % voxel-coords of BB mx gives number of voxels required % (round up if more than a tenth of a voxel over) imgdim = ceil(mat \ [mx 1]' - 0.1)'; % output image VO = V; [pth,nam,ext] = fileparts(V.fname); VO.fname = fullfile(pth,['r' nam ext]); VO.dim(1:3) = imgdim(1:3); VO.mat = mat; VO = spm_create_vol(VO); spm_progress_bar('Init',imgdim(3),'reslicing...','planes completed'); for i = 1:imgdim(3) M = inv(spm_matrix([0 0 -i])*inv(VO.mat)*V.mat); img = spm_slice_vol(V, M, imgdim(1:2), 1); % (linear interp) if ismask img = round(img); end spm_write_plane(VO, img, i); spm_progress_bar('Set', i) end spm_progress_bar('Clear'); end % call spm_close_vol if spm2 if ~spm5 spm_close_vol(VO); end if (isempty(Fint) && ~isempty(Fnew)) % interactive figure was opened by this script, so close it again. close(Fnew); end disp('Done.') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function bb = world_bb(V) % world-bb -- get bounding box in world (mm) coordinates d = V.dim(1:3); % corners in voxel-space c = [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 d(3) 1 1 d(2) 1 1 1 d(2) d(3) 1 d(1) 1 1 1 d(1) 1 d(3) 1 d(1) d(2) 1 1 d(1) d(2) d(3) 1 ]'; % corners in world-space tc = V.mat(1:3,1:4)*c; % bounding box (world) min and max mn = min(tc,[],2)'; mx = max(tc,[],2)'; bb = [mn; mx];