function [t,ts] = multFDR(P,df,q) % Find common T threshold FDR over several images % FORMAT [t,ts] = multFDR(P,df,q) % % P Array of filenames of T images % df Common degrees-of-freedom of T images % q Level at which to control FDR % % t Common level-q FDR T threshold % ts level-q FDR T threshold for each image (for comparison) %______________________________________________________________________________ % $Id: multFDR.m,v 1.2 2004/10/15 02:56:20 nichols Exp $ if nargin<1, P = spm_get(Inf,'IMAGE','Select T images'); end if nargin<2, df = spm_input('Enter df of T images','+1','r'); end if nargin<3, FDRa = 0.05; end V = spm_vol(P); Pval = []; Ths = []; for i = 1:size(P,1) tmp = spm_read_vols(V(i)); tmp = tmp(:); tmp(isnan(tmp)) = []; tmp(tmp==0) = []; tmp = 1-spm_Tcdf(tmp,df); Ths = [Ths; myFDR(tmp,FDRa)]; Pval = [Pval; tmp]; end Ths0 = myFDR(Pval,FDRa); t = spm_invTcdf(1-Ths0,df); ts = spm_invTcdf(1-Ths,df); return function [pID,pN] = myFDR(p,q) % % p - vector of p-values % q - False Discovery Rate level % % pID - p-value threshold based on independence or positive dependence % pN - Nonparametric p-value threshold %______________________________________________________________________________ % Based on FDR.m 1.4 Tom Nichols 02/07/02 p = sort(p(:)); V = length(p); I = (1:V)'; cVID = 1; cVN = sum(1./(1:V)); pID = p(max(find(p<=I/V*q/cVID))); pN = p(max(find(p<=I/V*q/cVN))); return