function [u] = spm_uc_Bonf(a,df,STAT,S,n) % corrected critical height threshold at a specified significance level % FORMAT [u] = spm_uc_Bonf(a,df,STAT,S,n) % a - critical probability - {alpha} % df - [df{interest} df{residuals}] % STAT - Statisical feild % 'Z' - Gaussian feild % 'T' - T - feild % 'X' - Chi squared feild % 'F' - F - feild % S - Voxel count % n - number of conjoint SPMs % % u - critical height {corrected} % %___________________________________________________________________________ % % spm_uc returns the corrected critical threshold at a specified significance % level (a). If n > 1 a conjunction the probability over the n values of the % statistic is returned. %___________________________________________________________________________ % @(#)spm_uc_Bonf.m 2.2 Thomas Nichols 01/06/23 u = spm_u((a/S).^(1/n),df,STAT);