function [u,Ps,Ts] = spm_uc_FDR(q,df,STAT,n,Vs,Vm) % False Discovery critical height threshold % FORMAT [u,Ps,Ts] = spm_uc_FDR(q,df,STAT,n,Vs[,Vm]) % % q - critical expected False Discovery Rate % df - [df{interest} df{residuals}] % STAT - Statisical feild (see comments below about FWER and EFDR) % 'Z' - Gaussian feild % 'T' - T - feild % 'X' - Chi squared feild % 'F' - F - feild % n - number of component SPMs in conjunction % Vs - Mapped statistic image(s) % -or- % Vector of sorted p-values, p1