What Alumni say about MORSE and MathStat
"MORSE is a one of kind of degree that few universities have tried emulating with the same amount of success and reputation. The diversity of the courses provided by leading departments in the UK and the applications of Mathematics in real life situations, whilst providing a solid mathematical foundation, were particular highlights for me during my studies. The teaching is provided at a high standard, with modules and lecturers being suitably exciting to eventually pursue a PhD in Statistics at the university. The knowledge and skills acquired at Warwick, both curricular and extra curricular, have aided me extremely well at my current job at Amazon."
Christopher Nam, MMORSE 2009, PhD in Statistics at Warwick 2013, Forecasting Research Scientist at Amazon HQ, Seattle
"The MMORSE degree at Warwick was one of the best things that has happened to me. It provided me with a solid background for applying statistical methodology and theory in incredibly many and different areas. MMORSE helped me create a map of the statistical field and made me confident to know where and what to look for when presented with a new data set. As I always wanted to pursue a PhD in Statistics, I had to chose wisely the area to specialize in. MORSE is probably one of the best degrees to help you do this due to its diverse and cross-collaborative nature. Furthermore, the experience of all lecturers and researchers in the department has been invaluable for finding out the thousands of applications of statistics theory. They also supported me throughout my PhD application process and I am more than grateful for all their time and effort.
Zhana Kuncheva, MMORSE 2012, PhD student at Imperial College London
"Having studied Maths, Further Maths and Economics at A Level I found that the mix of subjects offered by MMORSE made it the perfect degree for me. Having completed MMORSE now it is clear to see that I made the right choice as it helps you guide yourself into your chosen career; whilst also giving you the opportunity to participate in extra curricular activities, in my case playing for the mens tennis team. This enabled me to secure an internship, and then a graduate job at CitiGroup where I am now a trader of CLOs (Collateralised Loan Obligations.) My understanding of mathematical models and finance, due to the wide variety of modules I could choose from, has provided me with the knowledge, skills and qualities needed to excel in this type of fast pace and hard-working environment."
Steven Tubb, MMORSE 2012, Trader of CLOs at CitiGroup, London
"I initially chose to study MMORSE because of the wide variety of disciplines covered, as I wasn't yet sure in which field I want to specialize. The course gave me the freedom to take modules from more than 5 academic departments and decide whether I want to acquire more theoretical or practical knowledge. After graduating, I went on to do a MSc in Computing Science at Imperial College and am currently working as a Software Engineer."
Gergana Ivanova, MMORSE 2012, MSc in Computer Science at Imperial College London 2013, Software Engineer at Softwire, London
"Doing a MORSE degree at Warwick develops a wide range of skills that are attractive to employers from different industries and professions. With my MORSE degree, I got a job as a software developer at Delcam, a leading CADCAM supplier in the manufacturing industry, even though I had very little past experience at writing code. Two of the most important skills that I developed doing MORSE are a strong problem solving ability and good analytical skills. I use this skill every day in my job to understand code, find ways of implementing new features, to diagnose faults in the code, and to learn new programming skills. I'm glad I took MORSE at Warwick as it helped me get a job in a profession that I enjoy and that I was not qualified for."
Mark McCorrie, MMORSE 2012, Software Developer at Delcam, Birmingham
"I have always been keen on working with numbers, and when I discovered MORSE I knew that this is the course I want to study further at University level. MORSE graduates have well rounded knowledge highly applicable in almost all areas of industry. Although this course is pretty intensive, I must say, it is so much fun! I met new people and made new friends which are very important for me. MORSE staff members, professors, lecturers, tutors are professionals in their areas and are very supportive. I am very thankful for all knowledge, skills and experience I got from studying MORSE. University life shouldn’t be only about studies, it is a time when you have a chance to discover your potential and enhance all your existing skills."
Gaini Bishekova, MORSE 2012, Consultant in the Advisory Department at Ernst & Young DC, London
"I chose MORSE because the variety and flexibility of the course appealed to me over a straight maths degree. From the outset, the course was challenging, especially the first year maths which required a very different way of thinking. The nature of the course allowed me to choose modules that I found interesting, especially in later years when there was more focus on individual preference. I discovered medical statistics, which I found to be the most engaging and practical of all my modules. I completed my fourth-year dissertation in meta-analysis, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and the enthusiasm and support of my supervisor led me to apply for graduate school."
Mareli Augustyn, MMORSE 2011, MSc in Medical Statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 2012, Medical Statistician at John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford
"When I was taking my A levels, I wanted to be an actuary because I liked Mathematics, and thought MMORSE would be an ideal degree because it allowed me to get exemptions for actuarial examinations. I ended up changing my mind lots of times about what I wanted to do after graduation - but thankfully, MMORSE was flexible enough and provided me with sufficient mathematical and statistical background for other jobs I was interested in, and allowed me to chose modules I was interested in doing. I even did a Introduction to Secondary School Teaching course when I was considering becoming a teacher, and had the opportunity to go to Africa to teach for six weeks during summer!"
Keegan Kang, MMORSE 2012, PhD student in Statistical Science at Cornell
"When applying to university I wanted to ensure the skills I learnt would be useful when it came to finding a job afterwards. This was difficult since despite knowing that I wanted to do something analytical, I didn’t really know what career path I wanted to go down. MMORSE was therefore perfect – offering a good understanding of theoretical topics but more importantly providing the skillsets required to apply technical ability to solve real-world business problems. The broad range of modules and flexibility of the course not only serves to increase your employability, but also gives you the opportunity to work out where your strengths and interests lie."
Toby Holland, MMORSE 2011, Insight Analyst at dunnhumby, London
"The most enjoyable part of MMORSE to me was that it provided me with a very broad coverage of basic knowledge in maths and stats and a wide variety application backgrounds of those knowledge. After I finished MMORSE, I felt that I'd like some further development in skills of solving real and relatively complicated problems independently, so I went into PhD in Scientific Computing, which is not a computer science course, but using computers to solve mathematical problems. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to do an internship in quantitative modelling at the IMF. I am feeling blessed to have chosen MMORSE as my degree course. The topics studied in the course are playing a crucial role in helping me to find clues for solutions of my research today."
Fan Zhang, MMORSE 2006, PhD in Scientific Computing at Warwick 2011, International Monetary Fund, Washington DC
"It is the breadth and depth of the demanding MMORSE degree, and the specialism I took in my fourth year in Statistics and Operational Research, that allows me to hold (in my opinion!) one of the most interesting jobs in the Ministry of Justice. Here I am employed by a team of Operational Researchers, on the UK Civil Service Analytical Fast Stream Programme, and currently seconded to work with a team of Economists. Studying MORSE has provided me with a solid technical understanding of methods used in assorted disciplines but also a considerable ability to apply these in the real world and communicate them to both technical and non-technical audiences - this is precisely why I chose to study the MORSE degree at Warwick."
Sam Cuthbertson, MMORSE 2011, Assistant Statistician at the Ministry of Justice, Whitehall, London
"MORSE gave me exposure to a range of disciplines and provided the flexibility to specialise in the areas that interested me. This challenging degree has enabled me to secure a role in the Finance department of an investment bank."
James Thomas, MMORSE 2011, Finance Department at Deutsche Bank in London
"MORSE is not just a pure statistics course, but also an all-round programme which equips you with lots of quantitative skills and programming techniques. You will get to learn its application in different areas such as economics, finance and medicine. It is also a flexible course that there are many choices of modules to choose from. If you like Maths and Statistics and would like to carry on dealing with numbers in your future career, then MORSE is a good stepping stone for you."
Wendy Nga Yeung, MMORSE 2011, Graduate Transport Planner at MVA in Hong Kong
"I am about to begin a fully funded PhD studentship for Cancer Research UK at their institute in Cambridge, where I will also be a member of the university. My work will involve a large statistical and computational element as well as working at the expanding interface between statistical sciences, molecular biology and cancer research, often in collaboration with the experimental groups at the institute. I could not have arrived at this position without the excellent teaching and support I received while at Warwick which allowed me to realise my potential and study the areas I was interested in. A degree in Statistics has given me exciting opportunities to look at in many fields and so I would strongly recommend that those who enjoy it pursue it further."
Alex Tunnicliffe, MMathStat 2011, PhD student in Cambridge
"There is no point hiding from the fact that MORSE is a tough degree course. Don't let this put you off though. The challenge was highly enjoyable and rewarding, with the valuable opportunity to study a very wide range of different and relevant areas. By studying MORSE at Warwick, you'll be working alongside similarly talented students and you'll be given excellent support from the academic staff. I have chosen to undertake a career in the technology sector as an analyst, and this shows that the course can lead to a huge range of possible careers. I am very pleased that I made the decision to study MORSE and would definitely recommend it to anyone with a strong numerical background and the motivation to study a wide range of topics."
Parit Shah (right), MMORSE 2011, Technical Analyst at KPMG in London, pictured with his brother (also a MORSE graduate)
"The days which I spent in Warwick were enjoyable and memorable. The friendship of my schoolmates and the dedicated support and guidance of my tutors made me feel like at home. The 4 year MMORSE programme not only gave me a broad overview on various prospects, but also equipped me well with different skill sets which are valuable to my future career. After gaining the degree with Actuarial and Financial Mathematics specialism, I went on to pursue a further Master’s degree in Finance at the University of Cambridge. With the growing passion in the financial industry, I started my career in the Regional Actuarial department at HSBC Insurance in Hong Kong, where my daily role involves pricing products and valuing liabilities for the life business. Here I find my work both exciting and challenging where I can apply most of the numerical and analytical techniques which I have learnt at Warwick to real life situations. I am now continuing my home study with the support of the company to acquire the actuarial professional qualification and striving towards my career goal."
Victoria Koo, MMORSE 2010, Master's in Finance at University of Cambridge, HSBC Insurance in Hong Kong
"Doing a statistics degree at Warwick enabled me to 'try out' a huge variety of statistical areas until I found my favourite - medical statistics. I was also fortunate to be able to do two research projects which was an amazing opportunity and planted the research seed into my head! I would be lying if I said that I found my degree easy. However, it makes me very proud to say that I have a degree from Warwick. Not only that, my degree enabled me to go straight into a job without needing an MSc thus illustrating the calibre of the degree that Warwick offers. If you like statistics, and like hard work then Warwick is the place for you!"
Laura Bonnett, MMathStat 2008, Medical Statistician in Liverpool
* Alumni employment information usually mentions the first job title after graduation only.