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Andrew Barnes's Story

Andrew Barnes"I chose the WMG MSc in Engineering Business Management because it best matched my requirements as a senior executive in an engineering / technology business; I saw it as being akin to a ‘techie MBA’."
Andrew Barnes, Vice-President Operations, L3-TRL Technology

I started work having completing my A-levels and, after an early and brief career in Retail Management, commenced my career in manufacturing. I trained and qualified as an Industrial Engineer, before moving into Planning and then Operations Management. Over the past fifteen years I have held various operations leadership roles in electronics manufacturing businesses serving the aerospace, defence, security, and broadcast industries. I am currently Vice President of Operations for L-3 TRL Technology.

I chose the WMG MSc in Engineering Business Management because it best matched my requirements as a senior executive in an engineering / technology business; I saw it as being akin to a ‘techie MBA’.

I would say the experience has matched my high expectations of studying an MSc at WMG. There was plenty of guidance and support for the mature student who was unfamiliar with things like the requirements of academic writing. The administration and communication for a part-time student was excellent. The facilities and resources were very good. Generally speaking the module content and delivery enabled me to learn and develop, and the mix of students from different backgrounds and industries helped to enrich the experience.

Studying for the MSc has certainly helped me, and I feel better equipped to do my job. Indeed my dissertation project looked at achieving competitive advantage through operations strategy with a case study of L-3 TRL. The resultant operations strategy is currently being implemented.

To anyone thinking about studying for a part-time MSc, these might be stating the obvious, but it's worth saying nonetheless:

  • Be absolutely clear this will be a huge commitment of your time
  • You will get out what you put in