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Pete Roberts' story

Pete Roberts

"I can benchmark the best practices of more experienced people on the course from companies like Airbus, BAE or Vauxhall and take their ideas back to my workplace."
Pete Roberts, Production Leader, Rolls Royce



Pete Roberts has discovered a whole new world during his time with WMG. Rolls-Royce employee Pete is two-thirds of the way through an MSc in Engineering Business Management. He says exposure to both new ideas and a range of people from other companies has given him a broader outlook and more confidence.

This has had benefits for his own performance in his current job as a production leader in distribution at Derby. He says: "For instance, the Innovation Strategy module looks at the ways in which ideas can spread like an 'epidemic' and become embedded in the company. It isn't just about going over old ideas - it's about things that are totally new.

"This gives you a chance to look at yourself, and I found the same was true with the module on Improving Personal Performance, particularly in the area of leadership skills."

Pete, aged 28, joined Rolls-Royce six years ago as a logistics graduate from Aston University and has worked in a number of the company's locations. He says the time spent at the Warwick campus meeting people from other firms has had big spin-offs. "It has been one of the main benefits, in that I can benchmark the best practices of more experienced people on the course from companies like Airbus, BAE or Vauxhall and take their ideas back to my workplace.

"The lecturers are very accessible if you phone up needing advice and they also appreciate that you have a day job to do, making reasonable concessions when needed."