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Responsibilities of Student

  • Discuss with your supervisor the type of guidance and comment you find most useful and agree a schedule of meetings for your period of study
  • Provide your supervisor with your schedule of modules and inform him/her of any changes as they arise, so he/she may assess your progress in the light of these other commitments
  • Over the course of the year be prepared to devote approximately 900 hours to the application for, execution and documentation of your project and preparation for the oral examination.
  • Take the initiative in raising problems or difficulties however elementary they may seem
  • Maintain the progress of the work in accordance with the stages agreed with the supervisor, including, in particular the presentation of written material as required in sufficient time for comment and discussion before proceeding to the next stage
  • Clear with your supervisor, in advance, any expenditure on your project that you wish to reclaim from the University (see Expenses section)
  • Clear with your supervisor, in advance, any external correspondence relating to your project
  • Adopt at all times, safe working practices and adhere to the University and Departmental Safety Guidelines (see Labs and Safety section)
  • Attend, if advised, supplementary English Language courses (see English section)
  • Attend any seminars provided to assist you in carrying out your research or presenting it appropriately (this specifically refers to the Research Methodology Module which is usually scheduled in December each year)
  • Bear the cost of the production of your dissertation (including printing and production of illustrations) yourself (see Stationery section)

You need not confine your requests for advice to your supervisor and you are encouraged to approach anyone who can help.  You should, however, keep your supervisor informed of any other person you have been discussing the work with, as this may affect their suitability as an independent second assessor at the end of the day.