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Lindsay, G. & Dockrell, J.E. (in press). Outcomes for young people with a history of specific speech and language difficulties at 16-17 years: a more positive picture? In V Joffe, Cruice, M. & Chiat, S., (eds). Language disorders in children and adults: Key issues in rersearch and practice. Chichester: J. Wiley.

Dockrell, J.E., Lindsay, G. & Connelly, V. (in press). The impact of a history of specific language impairmrnt on the production of written text during adolescence. Exceptional Children.

Lindsay, G. & Dockrell, J.E. (in press). Language intervention in the school years: A systemic approach. Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología.

Palikara, O., Lindsay, G. & Dockrell, J.E. (2008). The voices of young people with a history of specific language impairment (SLI) in the first year of post-16 education. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 43, 1-23.

Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J., & Mackie, C., (2008). Vulnerability to bullying and impaired social relationships in children with specific speech and language difficulties. European Journal of Special Needs Education.23, 1-16.

Dockrell, J. E. & Lindsay, G. (2008). Inclusion versus specialist provision: Ideology versus evidence based practice for children with language and communication difficulties. In C. Norbury, B. Tomblin & D. Bishop (eds). Understanding developmental language disorders in children: From theory to practice (pp 131-147). Hove: Psychology Press.

Dockrell, J. E. & Lindsay, G. (2007). Identifying the educational and social needs of children with specific speech and language difficulties on entry to secondary school. Educational and Child Psychology, 24, 101-115.

Palikara, O. Lindsay, G., Cullen, M., & Dockrell, J.E. (2007) Working together? The practice of educational psychologists’ and speech and language therapists with children with specific speech and language difficulties. Educational and Child Psychology, 24, 77-88.

Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J. & Strand, S. (2007). Longitudinal patterns of behaviour problems in children with specific speech and language difficulties: Child and contextual factors British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 811-828.

Dockrell, J., Lindsay, G., Mackie, C., & Connolly, V. (2007). Constraints in the production of written text in children with specific language impairments. Exceptional Children, 73, 147-164.

Dockrell, J., Lindsay, G., Palikara, O., & Cullen, M.A. (2007). Raising the achievements of children and young people with specific speech and language difficulties and other special educational needs through school, to work and college. RR837. Nottingham: DfES.198pp.

Dockrell, J.E., Lindsay, G., Letchford, C. & Mackie, C. (2006). Educational provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties: Perspectives of speech and language therapy managers. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 41, 423-440.

Dockrell, J., Lindsay, G. & Palikara, O. (2006). Language difficulties and educational achievement. pp 67-79. Actas 25th Congreso Internacional de AELFA (Asociacion Espanola de Logopedia, Foniatria y Audiologia), Granada, Spain: AELFA and University of Granada.

Lindsay, G. & Dockrell, J. E. (2006). Language difficulties, behaviour and social groups in the classroom. Pp 81-91. Actas 25th Congreso Internacional de AELFA (Asociacion Espanola de Logopedia, Foniatria y Audiologia), Granada, Spain: Logopedia, Foniatria y Audiologia (AELFA), Granada, Spain: AELFA

Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J.E., Mackie, C., & Letchford, B. (2005). The role of specialist provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties in England and wales: A model for inclusion? Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 5, 88-96.

Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J.E., Mackie, C., & Letchford, C. (2005). Local education authorities’ approaches to provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties in England and Wales. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 20, 329-345..

Dockrell, J. E., Lindsay, G. Connelly, V. & Mackie, C. (2005) ‘Constraints in the production of written text in children with specific language impairments’. In L.Allal & J. Dolz (Eds.). Proceedings: Writing2004 [CD]. Adcom Productions.

Lindsay, G. & Dockrell, J. (2004) Whose job is it? Parents’ concerns about the needs of their children with language problems. Journal of Special Education, 37(4), 225-236.

Dockrell, J. & Lindsay, G. (2004) ‘Specific speech and language difficulties and literacy’, In T. Nunes & P.Bryant (eds) Handbook of Children’s Literacy. Pp 403-435. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Lindsay, G. (2003) ‘Intervencion colaborativa: logopedas y profesores trabajando juntos’. In V.M. Acosta Rodriguez & A.M. Moreno Santana (eds). Difficultades del lenguaje, colaboacion e inclusion educative, pp93-104. Barcelona, Spain: Ars Medica.

Lindsay, G. (2003) ‘Intervencion en el lenguaje en una escuela inclusiva.’ In V.M. Acosta Rodriguez & A.M. Moreno Santana (eds). Difficultades del lenguaje, colaboacion e inclusion educative, pp 105-115. Barcelona, Spain: Ars Medica.

Dockrell, J. & Lindsay, G. (2002). ‘The impact of specific language difficulties on learning and literacy’. Pp 187-203. Centre for Educational Research (Ed). Learning and Instruction: Recent Research Approaches. Athens, Greece: KEE.

Lindsay, G. and Dockrell, J. (2002). Meeting the needs of children with speech and communication needs: a critical perspective on inclusion and collaboration. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 18(2), 91-101.

Lindsay, G., Dockrell, J., Letchford, B., & Mackie, C. (2002) ‘Self esteem of children with specific speech and language difficulties’, Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 18(2), 125-143.

Dockrell, J. & Lindsay, G. (2001) ‘Children with specific speech and language difficulties: the teachers’ perspectives.’ Oxford Review of Education, 27, (3), 369-394.

Lindsay, G. & Dockrell, J. (2000) ‘The behaviour and self-esteem of children with specific speech and language difficulties.’ British Journal of Educational Psychology, 70(4), 583-601.

Dockrell, J. & Lindsay, G. (2000). ‘Meeting the needs of children with specific speech and language difficulties’. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 15 (1), 24-41

Dockrell, J., George, R., Lindsay, G., and Roux, J. (1997) ‘Problems in the identification and assessment of children with specific speech and language difficulties’, Educational Psychology in Practice, 12, 29-38.

Lindsay, G. & Dockrell, J.E. (1998) ‘What’s in a transition? A reply to Botting, Crutchley and Conti-Ramsden’, International Journal of Language and Disorders of Communication 33, 198-207.

Dockrell, J. & Lindsay, G. (1998) ‘The ways in which speech and language difficulties impact on children’s access to the curriculum’ Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 14, 117-133.