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Workshop on Belief Heterogeneity, Learning, Wealth Dynamics and Market Selection

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Workshop on Belief Heterogeneity, Learning, Wealth Dynamics and Market Selection

A selected group of researchers from both US and European institutions will present their most recent research. This workshop is funded by the International Partnership Fund 2023/24.

Date: Monday 15 July 2024
Location: Scarman Conference centre / Space 23

This event is open to Faculty members and MRes/PhD students from the Department of Economics.

Academic Lead: Pablo Beker



Ani Guerdjikova (Grenoble)
Title: Market Selection and the Evolution of Bargaining Power in Labor Markets

10:30-11:00  Coffee/Tea
Scarman Lounge
11:00-12:00  Jaroslav Borovička (NYU)
Robust Bounds on Optimal Tax Progressivity
12:00-13:00  Pietro Dindo (Venice)
The Long-Run Effects of a Financial Transaction Tax in Speculative Markets
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch
Scarman Restaurant
14:30-15:30  Jaden Chen (UNC-Chapel Hill)

If You're NOT So Smart, Why Are You Rich? Robust Market Selection with General Recursive Preferences.

15.30-16.00  Coffee/Tea

Scarman Lounge

16:00-17:00  Hening Liu (AMBS)

Wealth Dynamics and Asset Prices with Heterogeneous Beliefs under Smooth Ambiguity

17:00-18:00  Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen (BI-NBS)
Model Selection by Market Selection
18.30 - 19.00 Pre dinner drinks
Scarman lounge
19:00  Dinner


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