Your NSS feedback is important - Please Respond Now
Your NSS feedback is important - Please Respond Now
Thursday 1 Feb 2018The NSS is another important way of communicating to us your overall satisfaction with your course and student experience. Take a look now...
About NSS
The National Student Survey (NSS) is a national survey run by an independent research agency, Ipsos MORI. It gives final year students a chance to provide feedback on what it's been like to study at Warwick. It covers many aspects of the teaching and learning experience you have had, as well as providing you with a chance to reflect on your overall student experience during the years you have been at Warwick.
Your feedback
Your feedback is very important to us. We offer many ways for you to tell us what you think about being a student in our department, such as module evaluations, Personal Tutor meetings, Development Review meetings, SSLC, focus groups and Coffee and Cake meetings with senior management. We listen very carefully to your suggestions about what you like about your student experience here and also how we can improve our teaching, learning and student support for you and for future generations of Economics students at Warwick. You will see many examples of such improvements on our feedback page.
Student satisfaction
Your participation in the National Student Survey is another important way of communicating to us your thoughts, feedback and generally, your overall satisfaction with your course and student experience. The results of the NSS are considered a key measure of student satisfaction and are highly visible, reported in the media and used by prospective students to help make their university choices. More information about our current and previous participation rates and results is available on our departmental NSS webpage.
Charity donation and prize draw
For every NSS response by Economics students, £3 goes to the charity of students' choice (The Warwick Cancer Research Centre) and £2 into a prize draw. If you complete the survey you will be eligible for a £5 top-up on your Eating at Warwick account. The prize draw will be held if we achieve 75% response rate.
We are keen to achieve a high response rate to ensure the final views expressed through the survey are representative.
We hope that you will take a few minutes of your time to provide your feedback.