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Policy and the UK’s Competitive Advantage:
Evidence from 10 Years of Research

Thursday, 27th June 2019
M1, WBS Teaching Centre and Radcliffe Conference Centre
The University of Warwick

10:00-10:10 Visitors arrive at Warwick

CAGE Introduction

Prof Nick Crafts to introduce the day and discuss the overview of the decade of CAGE.


Impact Highlights Theme 4: What are the Implications of Globalisation and Global Crises for Policymaking and for Economic and Political Outcomes in Western Democracies?

Theme Leader’s Overview (10 minutes): Prof Vera Troeger (University of Warwick and CAGE)

Academic Keynote (20 minutes): Prof David Rueda (Oxford University and CAGE)

Policy Overview (20 minutes): Dr Gemma Tetlow (Institute for Government)


Coffee and Networking


Impact Highlights Theme 3: How can the measurement of wellbeing be improved and what are the implications for policy?

Theme Leader’s Overview (10 minutes): Prof Daniel Sgroi (University of Warwick and CAGE)

Academic Keynote (20 minutes): Prof Andrew Oswald (University of Warwick and CAGE)

Policy Overview (20 minutes): Lord Gus O'Donnell (Frontier Economics)


Keynote on Policy and Uncertainty delivered by Prof Nick Bloom, Stanford University.


Buffet Lunch (M1 Foyer area)


Policy Panel on productivity, competitive advantage and policy in the UK

  • Chair: Dame Frances Cairncross
  • Ms Tera Allas (McKinsey Center for Government)
  • Prof Nick Bloom (Stanford University)
  • Prof Nick Crafts (CAGE director)
  • Dr Rebecca Riley (NIESR / ESCOE)

Coffee and Networking


Impact Highlights Theme 1: What Explains Comparative Long-run Growth Performance?

Theme Leader’s Overview (10 minutes): Prof Stephen Broadberry (University of Oxford and CAGE)

Academic Keynote (20 minutes): Prof Sascha Becker (University of Warwick and CAGE)

Policy Overview (20 minutes): Dr Michael Keoghan (BEIS)


Coffee and Networking


Impact Highlights Theme 2: How do culture and institutions help to explain development and divergence in a globalising world?

Theme Leader’s Overview (10 minutes): Prof Sharun Mukand (University of Warwick and CAGE)

Academic Keynote (20 minutes): Prof Amrita Dhillon (King's College London and CAGE)

Policy Overview (20 minutes): Dr Rachel Glennerster (DFID)


Closing remarks

Prof Paul Nightingale, Director of Strategy and Operations, ESRC

Prof Simon Swain, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Warwick


Drinks and Networking / Radcliffe bar area


Dinner (invitation only) / Radcliffe dining room

By 21:00

Return to Coventry station