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Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy Vacation School - Speakers


Rafael Cepeda

Senior Manager, InterDigital Communications

Research Interests: telecommunications

Preliminary title of the talk: The Business of the Internet of Everything

Philip Godsiff

Senior Research Associate, University of Surrey Business School

Research Interests: systems thinking, business models, digital economy

Preliminary title of the talk: Bitcoin: Why?

James Goulding

Computer Science Fellow, University of Nottingham

Research Interests: neodemographics, Big Data, information geology, projected augmented relief models

Preliminary title of the talk: Personal Data and Neo-Demographics

Weisi Guo

Assistant Professor, University of Warwick School of Engineering

Research Interests: energy efficient networks, molecular communications and smart cities

Preliminary title of the talk: Revenue Scaling Laws for Densification of Wireless Nodes in Future Internet-of-Things

Roger Maull

Professor of Management Systems, University of Surrey Business School

Research Interests: systems thinking, business models, digital economy

Preliminary title of the talk: The Challenges of Transitioning to Full Pull

Irene Ng

Professor of Marketing and Service Systems and Director of the International Institute of Product and Service Innovation (IIPSI) at Warwick Manufacturing Group, University of Warwick

Research Interests: trans-disciplinary understanding of value; creating, designing, pricing, contracting and innovating based on value, embedded within new economic and business models of complex service systems

Preliminary title of the talk: Towards a Theory of Human-­Data Interaction (HDI): The DARVIS model of Data as a Really Very Intelligent Service

Glenn Parry

Associate Professor in Strategy and Operations Management at Bristol Business School, University of the West of England

Research Interests: organisational transformation, business models, value creation

Preliminary title of the talk: Personal Data and Visibility for Supply Chains

Andi Smart

Professor of Operations and Process Management, University of Exeter Business School

Research Interests: operations management, business models, business model innovation

Preliminary title of the talk: Business Models in Mobile Payments

Susan Wakenshaw

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Warwick Manufacturing Group

Research Interests: service systems and marketing incomplete products

Preliminary title of the talk: Smart Citizen, Smart Living, and Smart City: Rhythm Analysis and the Notion of Foam City

Peter Ward

PhD Student, Warwick Manufacturing Group

Research Interests: supply chain management, buisness models, service systems

Preliminary title of the talk: The Last Yard of the Supply Chain: Lessons from Medicine Consumption in Resource-Poor Contexts

Thomas Weber

Associate Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)

Research Interests: credit collections; decision making under risk; economics (behavioural, environmental, theory); engineering economy; investment criteria; nonlinear systems; optimal control; risk; sharing economy

Preliminary title of the talk: Sharing versus Owning: Implications of a Paradigm Shift