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iPEHD - The ifo Prussian Economic History Database

iPEHD - The ifo Prussian Economic History Database

96/2012 Sascha O. Becker, Francesco Cinnirella, Erik Hornung and Ludger Woessmann
working papers, economic history
Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History

96/2012 Sascha O. Becker, Francesco Cinnirella, Erik Hornung and Ludger Woessmann

This paper provides a documentation of the ifo Prussian Economic History Database (iPEHD), a county-level database covering a rich collection of variables for 19th -century Prussia. The Royal Prussian Statistical Office collected these data in several censuses over the years 1816-1901, with much county-level information surviving in archives. These data provide a unique source for microregional empirical research in economic history, enabling analyses of the importance of such factors as education, religion, fertility, and many others for Prussian economic development in the 19th century. The service of iPEHD is to provide the data in a digitized and structured way.

Economic History

Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History