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Farewell to the vultures? Argentine debt restructuring and bargaining theory

Farewell to the vultures? Argentine debt restructuring and bargaining theory

Marcus Miller, Sayantan Ghosal, The CAGE Background Briefing Series No. 56, July 2016
background briefing series, political economy, policy briefing

Marcus Miller, Sayantan Ghosal, The CAGE Background Briefing Series No. 56, July 2016

Shylock’s insistence in ‘The Merchant of Venice’ that his “pound of flesh” be paid as per the contract, regardless of the extreme and grotesque cost to the debtor, is an apt parallel with vulture funds holding out on Argentinian debt pay-outs. This column assesses the Argentinian debt situation and develops an accord that would create a compromise between the extremes on both sides.

Political Economy