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Voting with their money: Brexit and outward investment by UK firms

Voting with their money: Brexit and outward investment by UK firms

Holger Breinlich, Elsa Leromain, Dennis Novy and Thomas Sampson, The CAGE Background Briefing Series No. 95, February 2019
background briefing series, political economy, policy briefing

Holger Breinlich, Elsa Leromain, Dennis Novy and Thomas Sampson, The CAGE Background Briefing Series No. 95, February 2019

Media reports suggest that some UK firms have started to move production abroad in anticipation of Brexit. Using data on announcements of new foreign investment transactions, this column reports evidence that the Brexit vote has led to a 12% increase in the number of new investments made by UK firms in EU27 countries. At the same time, new investments in the UK from the EU27 have declined by 11%. The results are consistent with the idea that UK firms are offshoring production to the EU27 because they expect Brexit to increase barriers to trade and migration, making the UK a less attractive place to invest and create jobs.

Political Economy