Human capital and long run economic growth: Evidence from the stock of human capital in England, 1300-1900
Human capital and long run economic growth: Evidence from the stock of human capital in England, 1300-1900
working papers, economic history
229/2015 Alexandra M. de Pleijt
Did human capital contribute to economic growth in England? In this paper the stock of total years of schooling present in the population between 1300 and 1900 is quantified. The stock incorporates extensive source material on literacy rates, the number of primary and secondary schools and enrolment figures. The trends in the data suggest that, whilst human capital facilitated pre-industrial economic development, it had no role to play during the Industrial Revolution itself: there was a strong decline in educational attainment between ca. 1750 and 1830. A time series analysis has been carried out that confirms this conclusion.
Economic History