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18th CTN Workshop

8-9 February , 2013
Venue: Radcliffe Training and Conference Centre, (Rooms 10 and 6)
(Organizer: Bhaskar Dutta, Department of Economics, University of Warwick)



8th February 2013

8.30 - 9.00: REGISTRATION: Radcliffe Foyer

9.00- 11.00 : Invited Talks (Room 10) (Chair : Bhaskar Dutta)

Herve Moulin (Rice University) : Fair Division of a Flow : the bipartite case and beyond (Paper 1) (Paper 2)
Fuhito Kojima (Stanford University) : Efficient Matching under Distributional Concerns: Theory and Applications (with Kamada)

11.00-11.30 : Coffee Break

11.30-1.30 : Contributed Sessions

Contributed Session 1 (Room 10) (Chair : Peter Biro)

Szilvia Papai (Concordia University): Individual Preference Restrictions in Hedonic Coalition Formation Games
Bary Pradelski (University of Oxford): The Evolution of Core Stability in Decentralized Matching Markets (with Nax and Young)
Peter Biro (Hungarian Academy of Sciences): Fractional Solutions for Capacitated NTU-games, with
Applications to Stable Matchings
(with Fleiner)

Contributed Session 2 (Room 6) (Chair: Pascal Billand)

Nizar Allouch (Queen Mary College, London): The Cost of Segregation in Social Networks.
Timo Hiller (University of Bristol): Peer Effects in Endogenous Networks.
Pascal Billand (Jean Monnet University, St.Etienne) :Mutual Insurance Networks in Communities. (with Bravard and Sarangi)

1.30-2.30 Lunch

2.30- 4.30 Contributed Sessions

Contributed Session 3 (Room 10) (Chair : Sergio Currarini)

Manuel Förster (C.O.R.E.): Ordered Weighted Averaging in Social Networks (with Rabisch and Rusinowska)
Andrew Harkins (University of Warwick) Network Games with Perfect Complements
Sergio Currarini (Universita de Venezia) : Games on Networks:Direct Complements and Indirect Substitutes (with Fumagalli and Panebianco)

Contributed Session 4 (Room 6) (Chair: Bryony Reich)

Anja Prummer (European University Institute) : More versus Closer Friends: How Gender Shapes Social Networks and their Effects on Performance (with Lindenlaub)

Matthieu Solignac (GREQAM, Marseille): Neighborhood Effects and Labour Market Integration (with To)
Bryony Reich (University College, London): Culture, Community and Segregation

4.30-5.00 Coffee Break

5.00-6.20 Contributed Sessions

Contributed Session 5 (Room 10) (Ben McQuillin)

Shyam Sundar Chandramouli (Columbia University): Group Strategy Proofness of the Egalitarian Mechanism in Constrained Rationing Problems

Ben Mcquillin (University of East Anglia):Balance and the Extended Generalized Shapley Value (with Sugden)

Contributed Session 6 (Room 6) (Chair : Thomas Tregouet)

Edoardo Gallo (Cambridge University) : Social learning by chit-chat
Thomas Tregouet (Universite Cergy-Pointoise): Truthtelling in Matching Markets (with Hagenbach and Koessler)

7.30 : Drinks and Dinner


9th February 2013

9.00-11.00 : Contributed Sessions

Contributed Session 7 (Room 10) (Chair : Vincent Anesi)

Niall Hughes (European University Institute) :Voting in Legislative Elections under Plurality Rule
Diego Cerdeiro (University of Cambridge): On the Efficiency of Generosity
Vincent Anesi (Nottingham University) : Bargaining in Standing Committees (with Seidman)

Contributed Session 8 (Room 6) (Chair : Oliver Baetz)

Ran Shorrer (Harvard University) :Optimal Truncation in Matching Markets
Antonio Miralles (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) : All about Priorities: no school choice under the presence of bad schools (with Calsamiglia)

Oliver Baetz (Cambridge University): Social Activity and Network Formation

11.00-11.30 : Coffee Break

11.30-12.30 : Invited Talk (Room 10) (Chair : Myrna Wooders)

Sanjeev Goyal (Cambridge University) : Intermediated Exchange : Theory and Evidence.

12.30-1.30 : Lunch

1.30-3.30 : Contributed Sessions

Contributed Session 9 (Room 10) (Chair : Jonathan Newton)

Salvador Barbera (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) : Meritocracy, egalitarianism and the stability of majoritarian organizations (with Bevia and Ponsati)
Myrna Wooders (Vanderbilt University) : Subgame Perfect Cooperation in an Extensive Game
Jonathan Newton (University of Sydney) : Coalitions, Tipping Points and the Speed of Evolution (with Angus)

Contributed Session 10 (Room 6) ( Chair : Jobst Heitzig)

Arkadi Predtetchinski (Maastricht University) : Voting in Collective Stopping Games (with Herings)
Agnieszka Rusinowska (University Paris 1): Ingratiation and Favouritism (with Robin and Villeval)
Jobst Heitzig(Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) : Bottom-Up Strategic Linking of Carbon Markets:Which Climate Coalitions Would Farsighted Players Form?

3.30-.400 Coffee Break

End of Workshop