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CRETA / ESRC Workshop: Financial Markets and Aggregate Fluctuations

Room S2.79, Department of Economics, University of Warwick
Wednesday 8th May
11.00am until 6.30pm

Organiser: Professor Herakles Polemarchakis

We are pleased to announce our forthcoming workshop which will feature the work of Professor Oliver Hart (Harvard and NBER) who will present: Liquidity and Inefficient Investment (with Luigi Zingales)

We are pleased to welcome  Professor Christophe Chamley (Boston and Paris), Dr Jennifer La'O (Chicago), Professor John Moore (Edinburgh), and Professor Brian Rogers (Northwestern) who will also present recent work.


11.00 - 12.15 John Moore Leverage Stacks and the Financial System (PDF Document)
12.15 - 1.15 Lunch
Cowling Room (S2.77)
1.15 - 2.30 Christophe Chamley When Demand creates its own Supply: Saving Traps (PDF Document)

2.30 - 3.45 Jennifer La'O A Traffic Jam Theory of Recessions (PDF Document)
3.45 - 4.00 Coffee Break  
4.00 - 5.15 Brian Rogers Cooperation in Anonymous Dynamic Social Networks (PDF Document)
5.15 - 6.30 Oliver Hart Liquidity and Inefficient Investment (PDF Document) (with Luigi Zingales)

The conference will be followed by dinner in Radcliffe House at 7.30pm.

Everybody is welcome to attend. Should you wish to join the group for dinner please email to reserve a space.