Workshop Programme
MONDAY 17th December 2012
(Depart for the Workshop at MYRA at 9.30am: arrive at MYRA by 10.00am)
10 -11 am: PLENARY TALK
Pranab Bardhan, UC Berkeley: "Corruption in India: A Policy Perspective"
11-11.15am Coffee break
11.15-12.45 Session 1: Deterrence Incentives, Caste Politics, Networks and Corruption
11.15-11.45am: Ajit Mishra “Controlling Corruption and Extortion” (With D Mookherjee)
11-45-12.15pm: Rohini Somanathan: Caste Politics, Corruption and Distribution in India:The Effect of Voter Preferences on Policy Outcomes in Uttar Pradesh
(with Avidit Acharya and John Roemer)
12.15-12.45pm: Raja Kali, Arkansas "Political Connection, Entrepreneurship and Social Network Investment"
1.00 - 2.00pm Lunch Break
2.00 - 3.15 Session 2: Cultures of Corruption and Self-Selection
2.00 -2.30pm Antonio Nicolo, University of Padua, “Status Incentives and Corruption” (with Amrita Dhillon)
2.30- 3.00pm Gautam Bose, UNSW, “Moral Cost, Perception and Corruption” (with P.Schneider) abstract
3.00- 3.15pm Coffee Break
3.15-4.45 Session 3: Institutions, the State and Political Accountability
3.15- 3.45pm Myrna Wooders, Vanderbilt,“On the Simultaneous Emergence of Money and the State” (with Gael Giraud)
3.45 - 4.15pm David Hugh-Jones University of Essex "Coercive Capacity and Ananymity (with C. Perroni)
4.15 - 4.45pm Sumon Majumdar, Queens University, Canada "Institutional Building and Political Accountability" (with S Mukand)
6-7pm Musical Programme on the Roof Top of MYRA
8-10pm Workshop Dinner at Hotel Lalitha Mahal Palace or Olive Garden
TUESDAY 18th December 2012
9.30 - 10.30 Session 1: Voting and Corruption
9.30 - 10.00am: Rebecca Morton, NYU “Biased Experts and Delegation” (with Jean-Robert Tyran and M.Piovesan)
10.00- 10.30am: Manusa Patnam, Paris "Learning from Exit Polls in Sequential Elections"
10.30 -10.45: Coffee Break
10.45 - 11.15 Session 2: Dynamics
10.45- 11.15am: Mikhail Drugov, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, “Optimal Patronage” (Abstract)
11.15-11.45pm: Thomas Groll, Columbia “Dynamic Commercial Lobbying” (with Chris Ellis)
11.45 - 12.15pm: Gareth Myles University of Exeter" Corruption and Seiniorage" (with Hana Yousefi)
12.15 - 12.45pm:Makysm Ivanyna, Michigan State University “Culture of corruption,tax evasion and optimal tax policy” (with Alex Mourmouras and Peter Rangazas)
12.45 - 2.00pm Lunch Break
Session 3: Empirics
2.00 -2.30pm: Farzana Afridi, ISI Delhi “Does female leadership impact on governance and Corruption? Evidence from a public poverty allieviation program in
Andhra Pradesh, India"
2.30 - 3.00pm: Rajeev K. Goel (Illinois State University) "Whistleblower Laws and Exposed US Corruption”
3.00 -3.30pm: Vilen Lipatov, Goethe University, “A journey from a corruption port to a tax haven” (with Shafik Hebous)