Professor Norman Ireland
Selected Publications and Working Papers
- Product Differentiation and Non-Price Competition, Blackwell's,1987.
- 'The Mix of Social and Private Provision of Goods and Services',Journal of Public Economics, 1990.
- 'The Provision of Consumer Information in a Bertrand Oligopoly',Journal of Industrial Economics, 41 1993, 61-76.
- 'On Limiting the Market for Status Signals',Journal of Public Economics, 53 (1994), 91-110.
- 'Regulating consumer risk', Risk, Decision and Policy, 3, 1, 31-52, 1998.
- 'Status-seeking, income taxation and efficiency', Journal of Public Economics, 70, 99-113, 1998.
- 'Optimal income tax in the presence of status effects', Journal of Public Economics, 81, 193-212, 2001.
- 'Optimal complementary auctions', (with Martin Cripps) Bulletin of Economic Research, 53, 2, 81-100, 2001
- 'Status-seeking with voluntary contributions of money and work', Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 63-64, 115-170, 2001.
- 'Random pricing by labor-managed firms in markets with imperfect consumer information',Journal of Comparative Economics, 31,3, 573-583, 2003.
'Technology choice bias and limited liability', Economics of Governance, 5,103-118, 2004.