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Events and Conferences



2012 Conferences and other events

May 24-25
The Economic Governance in the EU: Is there an alternative to austerity to leave the crisis? Conference in Barcelona, Spain.
Organised by Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS).
Panelist for 'What went wrong? Is the euro crisis a crisis of success?' where multiple equilibria presentation was given.
May 2-3
Beyond Austerity: Alternative Policies for Employment and Growth conference in Rome, Italy.
Organised by Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD) and Fondazione Italianieuropei.
Panelist for 'New Progressive Solutions for Long Term Growth- Best Ways for Overcoming the Crisis' where 'Reducing debt levels without austerity: a Eurobond swap' was presented.
April 13-14
The European Sovereign Debt Crisis: Background and Perspectives international conference in Cophenhagen, Denmark. Organised by the Copenhagen Business School, Danmarks Nationalbank and Santa Cruz Institute of International Economics.

Discussant on 'What is the Risk of European Sovereign DebtDefaults? Fiscal Space, CDS Spreads and Market Pricing of Risk' by Aizenman, J. et. al (2012). See presentation here.

April 10

Seminar at the Banque de France on 'The Eurozone game: conflicting policy preferences in an integrated capital market'.


2011 Conferences and other events

November 29
University College Oxford Annual Seminar at the Royal Society London. Debate entitled: 'The Eurozone: 'Is it Unsustainable and a Danger to the World Economy?'.
November 17-18
Bank of England conference on QE and other unconventional monetary policies, London.
Presented 'Liquidity when it matters: QE and Tobin's Q' by John Driffill (Birkbeck) and Marcus Miller (Warwick).
September 29-30
Monetary policy before, during and after the crisis conference at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Presented paper: 'When bigger isn't better: bail-outs and Bank Behaviour', by Han Hao Li (Warwick), Marcus Miller (Warwick) and Lei Zhang (Warwick).
July 17-19
From the Breakdown of the Bretton Woods System to an New Era of Macro Prudential Oversight? Third Annual Conference in Cusco, Peru.
Presented 'Restoring prudent banking in Britain: evidence and policy' for session V: The quest for a new era of macro prudential oversight by Marcus Miller (Warwick), Sayantan Ghosal (Warwick), Peter Hammond (Warwick), Mike Waterson (Warwick), Lei Zhang (Warwick).
July 4-8
16th World Congress of the International Economic Association, Beijing.
Presented paper: 'Whither Capitalism? Financial Externalities and Crisis', by Marcus Miller (Warwick) and Lei Zhang (Warwick).


2010 Conferences and other events

December 10-11
International Monetary System RWB conference, Paris
'Macro-Governance and the Great Game of International Monetary Reform' , Marcus Miller (Warwick).
July 19-20
International Capital Movements Old and New Debates conference in Cusco, Peru.
Participant in session V: The reorganisation of the international financial and monetary system.

2008 Conferences and other events

July 18-20
WEF/ESRC Workshop on Incentives and Governance in Global Finance in Radcliffe House, University of Warwick
“Eastern caution, Western ebullience and global imbalances”, Marcus Miller (Warwick) and Lei Zhang (Warwick)
July 17
Conference in honour of Marcus Miller at Scarman House, University of Warwick
Presented paper: 'Punishment without Crime: Prison as a Worker-Discipline Device' by Marcus Miller and Jennifer Smith
June 25-29
15th World Congress of the International Economic Association, Istanbul
Attended IEA Council Meeting as representative of the Royal Economic Society
Presented paper: 'Eastern caution, Western ebullience and global imbalances' by Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang


2007 Conferences and other events

November 9
MMF/ Essex Finance Centre Workshop Asset-Backed Securities and the Banking Crisis at University of Essex
Round table discussion on Current crisis with With Prof Lucio Sarno and Dr Shamik Dhar
September 17-19
Pathways to Legitimacy? The Future of Global and Regional Governance CSGR/GARNET Conference at University of Warwick
Presented paper: 'Fear and Market Failure: Global Imbalances and "Self-Insurance' by Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang
September 12-14
The annual international Money, Macro and Finance Research Group (MMFRG) conference at University of Birmingham
Presented paper: 'When credibility fails: realignment risk and recession' by Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang
July 11-15
Coordinator with John Driffill of conference on World Economy and Global Finance at University of Warwick
Presented paper: 'Fear and Market Failure: Global Imbalances and "Self-Insurance' by Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang
Full details of conference available at
June 28-29
Cycles, Contagion and Crises Workshop held at the LSE
Presented "Crises and Recovery in Emerging Markets: 'Phoenix Miracles' or Endogenous Growth" Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang
June 20
'Fear and Market Failure: Global Imbalances and "Self-Insurance' by Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang
Presented at Warwick Business School Finance Seminar
June 15-16
Attended conference on Exchange Rates: Choices and Consequences in Cambridge University
Discussed "Pooling Countries" by Jean Imbs and Paolo Mauro
June 8-9
Attended CREI conference Financial Crises: Past, Theory and Future held in the University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Presented "Crises and Recovery in Emerging Markets: 'Phoenix Miracles' or Endogenous Growth" Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang
April 26-27
Attended IMF Conference, New Perspectives on Financial Globalization, in Washington DC
April 24
Visited Columbia University (PERM), New York
Gave talk "The Argentine crisis - what have we learned?"

April 11-13
RES Annual Conference, University of Warwick
Presented ‘Supply Shocks and Currency Crises: The Policy Dilemma Reconsidered’, Javier García-Fronti, Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang
March 15
Attended the Franco-British seminar on the $, £ and Euro in Paris
Tabled “Fickle Fortunes and Global Finance”
March 6-7

Attended Commonwealth Workshop on Debt, Finance & Financial Integration, London

March 2-3

Attended CEPR's Second Annual Workshop on Global Interdependence at Trinity College, Dublin

February 13
CEPR and the ESRC World Economy and Finance Research Programme discussion meeting
Presented 'Fear and Market Failure: Global Imbalances and "Self-Insurance”' see CEPR DP 6000. Chartered Accountants' Hall, Moorgate Place, London (2007) (Pictures) (Image file)


2006 Conferences and other events

December 18-19

Society for Uruguayan Economists, Montevideo, Inaugural meeting
Presented ‘Demand Recessions that Lower Future Supply: a crisis framework?’ by Marcus Miller (2006)

December 13-16

VII JOLATE, Rio de Janeiro
Presented ‘Fear and Market Failure: Global Imbalances and ‘Self-Insurance’’ by Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang (2006)

November 16

Bank of England, London
Presented ‘Fear and Market Failure: Global Imbalances and ‘Self-Insurance’’ by Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang (2006)

November 12-13

Visit to DFID, London
Formal discussant of the report on ‘Living with Debt’ published by the IADB

October 19-20

‘XXIV Meeting of the Latin-American Network of Central Banks and Finance Ministries’, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC.
Presented ‘Fear and Market Failure: Global Imbalances and ‘Self-Insurance’’ by Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang (2006)

Also presented ‘Sovereign debt restructuring: the judge, the vultures and creditor rights’ by Marcus Miller and Dania Thomas (2006)

September 27-29

GARNET Annual Conference, Amsterdam
Dania Thomas attended and presented ‘Sovereign debt restructuring: the judge, the vultures and creditor rights’ by Marcus Miller and Dania Thomas (2006)

September 13-15

MMF 2006: Money, Macro and Finance Research Group 38th Annual Conference, University of York
Lei Zhang presented ‘Capital Flows, Interest Rates and Precautionary Behaviour: a model of Global Imbalances’ by Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang (2006)

Also presented ‘Exchange Rate Monitoring Bands: Theory and Policy’ by Luisa Corrado, Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang (2006)

September 7-8

Conference on Exchange Rate Intervention: Theory and Experience, Cambridge
Presented ‘Exchange Rate Monitoring Bands: Theory and Policy’ by Luisa Corrado, Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang (2006)

June 12-13

4th INFINITI Conference on International Finance, Dublin
Presented ‘‘Irrational exuberance’ and capital flows for the US New Economy: a simple global model’, by Olli Castren, Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang. (Now available in the International Journal of Finance and Economics, vol. 12(1), January 2007, pp. 89-105)

May 16-17

Conference on Global Imbalances and Risk Management: Has the Centre become the Periphery, Madrid
Presented ‘Crises in Global Financial Markets: Career concerned traders, insured creditors and elites’ by Sayantan Ghosal and Marcus Miller (2006)

April 18-20

Royal Economic Society Annual Conference, University of Nottingham
Organised the session ‘Sovereign Debt Swaps: Bargaining and the Law’
Presented ‘Bargaining with delay: growth and sustainability’ by Sayantan Ghosal and Marcus Miller (2006)

January 31

Participated in the House of Commons Treasury Committee enquiry into on ‘Globalisation: The Role of the IMF’. Proceedings published in the Ninth Report of Session 2005-2006, HC 875, 13 July 2006.




 2007 Summer Conference