Professor Mark Stewart: Publications
"The Inter-related Dynamics of Unemployment and Low-Wage Employment", Forthcoming in Journal of Applied Econometrics.
"The other margin: do minimum wages cause working hours adjustments for low-wage workers?", Forthcoming in Economica (with J. Swaffield).
"Maximum Simulated Likelihood Estimation of Random Effects Dynamic Probit Models with Autocorrelated Errors", Stata Journal, 2006, 6(2), 256-272.
"A Comparison of Semiparametric Estimators for the Ordered Response Model", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2005, 49, 555-573.
"The Impact of the Introduction of the UK Minimum Wage on the Employment Probabilities of Low Wage Workers", Journal of the European Economic Association, 2004, 2(1), 67-97.
"Semi-nonparametric Estimation of Extended Ordered Probit Models", Stata Journal, 2004, 4(1), 27-39.
"The Employment Effects of the National Minimum Wage", Economic Journal, 2004, 114(494), C110-116.
"Estimating the Impact of the Minimum Wage Using Geographical Wage Variation", Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics, 2002, 64(5), 583-605.
"Using the BHPS wave 9 additional questions to evaluate the impact of the National Minimum Wage", Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics, 2002, 64(5), 633-652 (with J. Swaffield).
"Low Pay in Britain", in The State of Working Britain, ed. by Paul Gregg and Jonathan Wadsworth, Manchester University Press, 2000.
"Low Pay Dynamics and Transition Probabilities", Economica, 1999, 66, 23-42 (with J. Swaffield).
"The Dynamics of Low Pay and Low Income", in The National Minimum Wage, Incomes and the Low Paid, Low Pay Commission Occasional Paper No. 2, 1999.
"Low Pay, No Pay Dynamics", in Persistent Poverty and Lifetime Inequality, HM Treasury Occasional Paper No. 10, 1999.
"The Estimation of Union Wage Differentials and the Impact of Methodological Choices", Labour Economics, 1999, 5, 449-474 (with M. Andrews, J. Swaffield and R. Upward).
"The Earnings Mobility of Low Paid Workers in Britain" (with J. Swaffield), in R. Asplund and I. Theodossiou (eds.), Low Pay and Earnings Mobility in Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998, 116-135.
"Constraints on the Desired Hours of Work of British Men", Economic Journal, 1997, 107, 520-535 (with J. Swaffield).
"The Dynamics of Low Pay in Britain" (with J. Swaffield), in Jobs, Wages and Poverty: Patterns of Persistence and Mobility in the New Flexible Labour Market, ed. by P. Gregg, London: CEP, 1997.
"Trade Unions and Financial Performance", Oxford Economic Papers,1996, 48, 213-241 (with S. Machin).
"Union Wage Differentials in an Era of Declining Unionisation", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 1995, 57, 143-166.
"The Determinants of Individual Unemployment Durations in an Era of High Unemployment", Economic Journal, 1995, 105, 321-332 (with W. Arulampalam). Reprinted in The Economics of Unemployment, ed. by P.N. Junankar (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
"Is Strike Behaviour Cyclical?", Journal of Labor Economics, 1994, 12, 524-553 (with A. Harrison).
"Nordic Wage Differentials: A View from Outside", in N. Westergaard-Nielsen (ed.), Wage Differentials in the Nordic Countries, 1994.
"How Does the Benefit Effect Vary as Unemployment Spells Lengthen?", Journal of Applied Econometrics, 1993, 8, 361-381 (with W. Narendranathan).
"Strike Duration and Strike Size", Canadian Journal of Economics, 1993, 26, 830-849 (with A. Harrison).
"The Economic Effects of Multiple Unionism: Evidence from the 1984 Workplace Industrial Relations Survey", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 1993, 95, 279-296 (with S. Machin and J. van Reenen).
"Is the Public Sector Strike Prone?" Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 1993, 55, 253-284 (with A.P. Dickerson).
"Modelling the Probability of Leaving Unemployment: Competing Risks Models with Flexible Baseline Hazards", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), 1993, 42, 63-83 (with W. Narendranathan).
"Multiple Unionism, Fragmented Bargaining and Economic Outcomes in Unionised UK Establishments" (with S. Machin and J. Van Reenen), in New Perspectives on Industrial Disputes, ed. by D Metcalf and S.Milner, Routledge: London, 1993.
"Closed Shops and Relative Pay: Institutional Arrangements or High Density?", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,1992, 54, 503-516 (with D. Metcalf).
"Union Wage Differentials in the Face of Changes in the Economicand Legal Environment", Economica, 1991, 58, 155-172.
"Simple Methods for Testing for the Proportionality of Cause-Specific Hazards in Competing Risks Models", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 1991, 53, 331-340 (with W.Narendranathan).
"Union Wage Differentials, Product Market Influences and the Division of Rents", Economic Journal, 1990, 100, 1122-1137.
"Unions and the Financial Performance of British Private Sector Establishments", Journal of Applied Econometrics, 1990, 5,327-350 (with S. Machin).
"An Examination of the Robustness of Models of the Probability of Finding a Job for the Unemployed", in Panel Data and Labour Market Studies, ed. by J. Hartog, G. Ridder and J. Theeuwes, Elsevier - North Holland, Amsterdam, 1990 (with W. Narendranathan).
"Trade Unions and the Determination of Wages in Britain", in Rencontre Europenne sur les Salaires, Centre d'Etude des Revenus et des Cotes et Service des Etudes et de la Statistique duMinistre du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle, 1990.
"Cyclical Fluctuations in Strike Durations", American Economic Review, 1989, 79, 827-841 (with A. Harrison).
"Collective Bargaining Arrangements, Closed Shops and Relative Pay", Economic Journal, 1987, 97, 140-156.
"The Effects and Determinants of Training", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 1987, 49, 171-190 (with C.A. Greenhalgh). Reprinted in The Economics of Training, ed. by Orley C. Ashenfelter and Robert J. LaLonde (in the International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1996.
"Specification Induced Uncertainty in the Estimation of Trade Union Wage Differentials from Industry-level Data", Economica, 1986, 53, 29-39 (with P.A. Geroski).
"Comments on the Conference on the Role and Influence of Trade Unions in a Recession", British Journal of Industrial Relations, 1986, 24, 205-8.
"The Occupational Status and Mobility of Men and Women in Britain", Oxford Economic Papers, 1985, 37, 40-71 (with C.A. Greenhalgh).
"Significance Tests in the Presence of Model Uncertainty and Specification Search", Economics Letters, 1984, 16, 309-13.
"Work History Patterns and the Occupational Attainment of Women", Economic Journal, 1984, 94, 493-519 (with C.A. Greenhalgh).
"On Least Squares Estimation when the Dependent Variable is Grouped", Review of Economic Studies, 1983, 50, 737-53.
"Racial Discrimination and Occupational Attainment in Britain", Economic Journal, 1983, 93, 521-41.
"Relative Earnings and Individual Union Membership in the U.K.", Economica, 1983, 50, 111-25.
"The Training and Experience Dividend", Employment Gazette, 1982, 329-40 (with C.A. Greenhalgh).
Introduction to Econometrics (2nd. edition), Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1981, 337pp (with K.F. Wallis). Also translated as: Introduccion a la Econometria, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1984, 268pp.
"The Causes of Poverty", National Westminster Bank Quarterly Review, 1979, 30-42 (with R. Layard and D. Piachaud).
"The General Household Survey and the Analysis of Poverty", in Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Social Survey Division - General Household Survey 1977, HMSO, 1979, (with R. Layardand D. Piachaud).
The Causes of Poverty, HMSO, 1978, 190pp (with R. Layard and D. Piachaud).