Professor Nicholas Crafts
"Cliometrics and Technological Change: a Survey", European Journal of the History of Economic Thought.
"The Contribution of New Technology to Economic Growth: Lessons from Economic History", Revista de Historia Economica.
"Solow and Growth Accounting: a Perspective from Quantitative Economic History", History of Political Economy
"From Malthus to Solow: How the Malthusian Economy Really Evolved", Journal of Macroeconomics (with T. C. Mills).
"Transport Infrastructure Investment: Implications for Growth and Productivity", Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25, 327-343.
"Solow and Growth Accounting: a Perspective from Quantitative Economic History", History of Political Economy, 415 (5), 200-220.
"The Celtic Tiger in Historical and International Perspective", in M Mulreany (ed.), Economic Development 50 years On, 1958-2008. (Dublin, 2009), 64-76
"Were British Railway Companies Well-Managed in the Early Twentieth Century?", Economic History Review, 61, 842-866 (with T. Leunig and A. Mulatu).
"Recent European Economic Growth: Why Can't It Be Like the Golden Age?", National Institute Economic Review, 199, 69-81.
"Total Factor Productivity Growth on Britain's Railways, 1852-1912: a Reappraisal of the Evidence", Explorations in Economic History, 44, 608-634 (with T. C. Mills and A. Mulatu).
"Living Standards", in N. Crafts, I. Gazeley and A. Newell (eds.), Work and Pay in Twentieth-Century Britain (Oxford University Press), 11-34.
"The British Economy in the Twentieth Century", in F. Carnevali and J-M. Strange (eds.), 20th Century Britain: Economic, Social and Cultural Change (Pearson), 7-25.
"Industrial Policy", in A. Seldon (ed.), Blair's Britain (Cambridge University Press), 273-287
"How Did the Location of British Industry Respond to Falling Transport Costs in Britain before World War I?", Journal of Economic History, 66, 575-607 (with A. Mulatu).
"Regulation and Productivity Performance", Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 22, 186-202.
"The World Economy in the 1990s: a Long-Run Perspective", in P. Rhode and G. Toniolo (eds.), Understanding the 1990s: the Long-Run Perspective (Cambridge University Press), 21-42.