Research and development of a local LMI IT platform
The project aims are twofold:
- To provide customised training support to up-skill career practitioners in their use of labour market information (LMI)
- To research, adapt and pilot an online IT system to support career practitioners in their use of local LMI in their practice.
Part 1 – LMI online learning module training support
The purpose of this initiative is to improve practice by providing bespoke training support both for CSWP career practitioners and practitioners sub-contracted for service delivery by CSWP. The overall objectives are to:
- Identify LMI training needs and support
- Pilot and evaluate a set of training materials to support a group of CSWP career practitioners in the scope and usage of the LMI on-line Learning module;
- Provide initial face-to-face training and support for CSWP and sub-contracted career practitioners;
- Facilitate the on-going use of the LMI Learning module and individual completion of the LMI online learning module where required.
Training would support practitioners in their understanding of how practitioners navigate their way through the LMI online learning module, to increase the effectiveness of their practice. This would include exploring other applications and would be complemented by a range of interactive activities.
Part 2 – To research, develop and pilot a tool for the development of local LMI (LLMI)
LLMI is consistently identified by career practitioners as centrally important to effective careers guidance practice. In particular, gaps exist at regional and (more particularly) at sub-regional level. Provision of these data would create more comprehensive labour market information (LMI) coverage to support further the work of practitioners. However, the potential to combine all existing local labour market information (LLMI) sources in an on-line LLMI facility is limited, because of their dynamism, number and range. By building on an IT system developed through the Mature IP project, a LLMI tool will be designed for CSWP and piloted as an approach to support the development of local LMI.
Research, develop and deliver enhanced labour market information training support
The research project will provide customised and enhanced labour market information training support for the professional development of CSWP career practitioners and practitioners subcontracted for service delivery by CSWP. The overall objectives of the enhanced LMI training support are to:
- design and use a pre- and post-course questionnaire to benchmark current career practitioner skills and confidence, as well as evaluate training;
- research and develop enhanced LMI training, bespoke to CSWP, that will follow on from the LMI module training delivered in 2013/14 and focus on progression and the integration of that learning in practice; and
- provide face-to-face enhanced LMI training for CSWP and subcontracted career practitioners across the West Midlands.
Overall participants will leave the training session able to integrate learning about LMI in their day-to-day practice. There will be a particular focus on individual case studies and how to apply knowledge and understanding of LMI, e.g. how to mine LMI sources for relevant information and integrate theory and practice.