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Graduate skill utilisation in small firms

How do small firms make use of graduates' skills?

Why does skill use matter?

As more and more people obtain degrees, small firms in the UK are increasingly likely to hire graduate employees. But, as small firms are a very diverse group of companies with different needs and working practices, some firms may face challenges in recruiting graduates and using their skills, potentially missing out on opportunities for better business performance and competitiveness.

Project aims

I hope to meet with small firm and business representatives in the Midlands area to find out more about how small firms hire graduates and use graduates’ skills. A small pot of funding is available to sponsor catering and/or host small focus group discussions for this purpose, funded by the Warwick Venture Into Business Engagement (VIBE) programme.

Ultimately, I hope to put together a project proposal based on these initial conversations to explore how small firms make use of graduates' skills in order to contribute towards a mutually beneficial experience for both employers and graduate employees, where employers can tap into graduates' skills to create added value, and where graduates can maximise their potential.


As part of this project, I have been working with Tony Carroll, Business Engagement Manager at the University of Warwick and with Helen Brewster, VIBE facilitator and business owner of ATL Solutions.

I am delighted to be attending the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Business Breakfast Briefing on the 7th of February to talk about skill utilisation in small firms.

Get in touch

If you would like to help, please get in touch at d dot luchinskaya at warwick dot ac dot uk and I will be very happy to arrange a phonecall or a meeting. I look forward to hearing from you.

This project is a market exploration activity investigating potential working partnerships with businesses and social enterprises.

About me

I am a researcher at the Warwick Institute for Employment Research, working on skill use in firms and on graduate employment. I am looking to find out more about how small firms make use of graduates’ skills. Please see my profile page for more information.

Project Lead:

Daria Luchinskaya


Warwick VIBE

Warwick VIBE