Working futures 2009-2020
IER, in conjunction with Cambridge Econometrics (CE), has undertaken a project to provide the UK Commission for Employment and Skills with updated projections of employment by occupation, cross-classified by sector (including certain other characteristics within sector). These projections include a spatial dimension down to individual countries within the UK, and regions within England. The projections look forward over the next 10 years (2009-2019/20). They are intended to update, and to build upon, the three previous Working Futures projections projects undertaken by IER and CE.
Recent developments in skills policy and implementation have placed increasing emphasis on the need for labour market information to be available at a more detailed spatial and sectoral level. The UK Commission - in conjunction with BIS, the Skills Funding Agency, the Young Persons Learning Agency, and the Devolved Administrations - require relevant, consistent and accessible data at a considerable level of detail to assist in their policy and provision planning. This project addresses these requirements, recognising the technical challenges that these requirements pose, and suggesting innovative ways of overcoming them.
Links to the Working Futures series of labour market assessments.
Project Duration:
October 2010 - June 2011
Project Team:
Professor Rob Wilson (Principal Investigator)
Dr Ilias Livanos