There are lots of exciting events happening within the Law School. Plus there are many other University and external events which may be of interest. We have therefore collated them all into one central calendar to help you choose which you would like to attend.

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Tue 11 Feb, '25
Teach First Webinar: Our Graduate Programme and Taster Programme

Our Training Programme is your chance to become a leader, release your potential and be part of something that matters.

If you’re interested in teaching, join Teach First’s Employer online presentation where you can hear about their Graduate Scheme and application process and how you can be successful.

Wed 12 Feb, '25
CCLS Reading Group

This term we’ll be reading Gillian Rose, who was a Professor at Warwick up until her death in 1995. We will focus on her work on law, modernity, and Marxism.

Reading: Chapter 1 ‘Athens and Jerusalem’ from Mourning Becomes the Law by Gillian Rose

Everyone with an interest is welcome.

Please email or join the CCLS teams channel for the link to the meeting.

Wed 12 Feb, '25
Recognise and Prepare for Strengths-based interviews

Discover what to expect from this type of interview. With more graduate recruiters shifting away from mainly competency-based interviews to mainly strengths-based interviews or a combination of both, this workshop provides an invaluable insight into Strengths based recruitment. Discover your own unique top Strengths, join us in person to find out more.

You will be able to:

  • Describe your unique strengths
  • Recall your strengths and provide evidence to support them
  • Recognise strengths-based interviews and how to respond to them authentically.
Wed 12 Feb, '25
OSCOLA: An introduction the law referencing style

Law and legal skills OSCOLA is a referencing style widely used in law schools across the UK including the Warwick Law School. This online workshop will introduce the new 5th edition of OSCOLA and show you how to reference key primary (legislation and case law) and secondary (books and journals) legal materials, and how to create your bibliography. This session is ideal for new law students and those writing law essays, dissertations or theses. Click here to join the online OSCOLA training session

Wed 12 Feb, '25
One Essex Court: Women at the Bar | Pupillage interview workshop

The Pupillage Interview Workshop will focus on how to prepare for and perform in pupillage interviews.

This workshop will involve:

  • A talk from a female barrister with tips and advice on interview skills
  • A live, practical exercise in small groups, with the opportunity for individual feedback
  • A Q&A session with a panel of female members of chambers
Thu 13 Feb, '25
Resilience – managing and coping with your job application journey as an international student

This session will explore:

How you can make yourself more employable

Coping and learning from rejections

Reflecting on why you are unsuccessful

Where to seek help

The support that is there for you at Warwick and the wider HE organisations

We will explore

The support you have now and for 2 years after graduation

Planning - what you need to do and when

To feel reassured. Have your questions answered.

Be able to make successful choices for you and what you want.

Ask questions about the support that you will receive and get information resources to help you.

Thu 13 Feb, '25
Future Ready with Freshfields: Writing with Impact

Strong writing skills are essential for any career, helping you communicate clearly, persuasively, and professionally. In this interactive session, we’ll share practical tips to help you make an impact with your writing.

Whether you're drafting essays, applications or emails, this session will give you the confidence to write with clarity and purpose, so you are ready to excel from day one in your graduate job.

As a bonus, five lucky event attendees will win £200 vouchers!

Register now to secure your place.

Fri 14 Feb, '25
Lexis+ UK Practical Guidance: law database training and certification

Law and legal skills Lexis+ UK is a leading law database used in both academic and legal practice in the UK. This training session will provide an online demonstration of the Lexis+ UK database, show you how to find legal guidance materials including overviews, practice notes and standard forms, and provide an opportunity to take the Lexis+ UK Practical Guidance Certification test. Click here to join the online Lexis+ UK training session

Tue 18 Feb, '25
Staying Motivated with the Application Process

This is a live workshop that helps you to discover new strategies to get past the disappointment, frustration and worry of job search, to refocus on what you want for yourself, and to refresh your outlook so that you feel excited about taking the next steps towards creating the life that you want.

It will cover:

1. Getting real about what you’re going through

2. Consider what happened with a more open mind and move on

3. Work on losing attachment – focus on experiences and growth you want

4. Explore - Increase your choices, options, experiences and ideas

5. Get in a good mindset to experience the life you want

Tue 18 Feb, '25
Recognise and Prepare for Strengths-based interviews

Discover what to expect from this type of interview. With more graduate recruiters shifting away from mainly competency-based interviews to mainly strengths-based interviews or a combination of both, this workshop provides an invaluable insight into Strengths based recruitment. Discover your own unique top Strengths, join us in person to find out more.

You will be able to:

  • Describe your unique strengths
  • Recall your strengths and provide evidence to support them
  • Recognise strengths-based interviews and how to respond to them authentically.
Wed 19 Feb, '25
WIE Student Workshop: Podcasting for Public Engagement

Come and learn the practical skills of podcasting in this full day session.

Wed 19 Feb, '25
PGR Coffee Morning Check-In

Come along for coffee and refreshments and to catch up with PGR staff and students.

Wed 19 Feb, '25
Law School Lunchtime Research Seminar - Wednesday 19 February 2025
S2.09 / S2.12

Guest Speaker: Zainab Batul Naqvi, Manchester Metropolitan University

Title: Book Discussion - 'Polygamy, Policy, and Postcolonialism in English Marriage Law: A Critical Feminist Analysis'

Chair: Dr Laura Lammasniemi, Warwick Law School

Starting with lunch at 12:30pm in Room S2.09, followed by the Seminar at 1:00pm in Room S2.12

Wed 19 Feb, '25
Aesthetics and Justice seminar series: Aesthetic Encounters in Court
S2.09 and Microsoft Teams
Wed 19 Feb, '25
GLOBE Event - Book Launch: “Consideration in Contract Law”

Join us for the book launch of "Consideration in Contract Law"Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window by Dr Mark Giancaspro. Dr Giancaspro explores the origins, functions, and impact of the doctrine of consideration, analysing its deep-rooted principles, and ongoing controversies across legal systems. Dr Giancaspro traces its evolution from Roman law to modern contract principles, examining key cases (Stilk v Myrick, Williams v Roffey Bros) and whether courts might come to recognise unconventional forms, such as love, lucky charms, or cryptocurrency.

The event will be followed by a drinks reception.

Thu 20 Feb, '25
Interview Prep – with peer practice

This session will explore:

Prepping for an interview

Reviewing yourself and your skills, experience and knowledge

Knowing what the recruiter wants

Practice with peers in a safe and fun environment

Get feedback to help you develop

Find out about the career resources that can help you.

Feel free to ask questions

Thu 20 Feb, '25
GLOBE Event: Is the Global Debt System Fit for Our Future?

Speaker: Leo Fabbri

More than three billion people live in countries where debt payments exceed spending on healthcare and education. The Covid-19 Pandemic exposed deep debt vulnerabilities in developing economies, leading to debt defaults. Today, rising interest rates, geopolitical tensions, disrupted trade, and climate change intensify these challenges.

This seminar explores the political economy of sovereign debt and asks: Is the international community equipped to manage growing default risks, or is reform needed? By examining proposals from governments, civil society, and academia, we will consider how to create a more sustainable and transparent global debt system.

Tue 25 Feb, '25
In-Person Postgraduate Study Fair at Warwick
Panorama Room, Rootes Building
  • This fair will feature departmental stands where representatives can provide prospective students with an overview of departmental offerings, research culture, PGT study methods, and student support.
  • Alongside the fair, talks will be held on Admissions, Fees and Funding, and Student Life.
  • Audience: Primarily Warwick undergraduates, offer holders, and external prospective PGT/PGR students.
Tue 25 Feb, '25
Seminar Series: Gender and International Criminal Law: History, Victimhood and Transitional Justice

This session tackles the promises and pitfalls of the international criminal and transitional justice system in cases of war crimes and/or crimes against humanity from a gender and critical perspective.

Part of the Thinking Gender, History and International Law seminar series.

Find out more and register.

Tue 25 Feb, '25
Workshop: Applying for pupillage at the Commercial Bar

With One Essex Court. Tailored for those applying in February 2025, or in the near future, for pupillage at the Commercial Bar, focused on interview preparation, including:

  • How should you approach interviews?
  • What is the best way to tackle problem questions?
  • What separates the Commercial Bar from other areas of the Bar?

Followed by interactive group sessions and a Q&A.

Register your interest here by Friday 7 February 2025.

Tue 25 Feb, '25
The Inner Temple: Insight Manchester - Becoming a Barrister
Hilton Doubletree Manchester Piccadilly, M1 3DG

Insight events will provide you with an opportunity to hear from a range of practising barristers as they talk about their journey to the Bar. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions during a Q&A panel and, where events are in-person, an opportunity to network with the panel and other attendees. It is a fantastic opportunity for anybody considering a career as a barrister. There is no charge to attend.

Wed 26 Feb, '25
Generative AI and its disruptive effect on traditional pedagogic practices

Part of WLS Teaching Network Seminar Series.

Speaker: Dr Martin Compton (KCL)

Generative AI disrupts traditional pedagogic practices, assessment methods and conventional notions of validity, effectiveness and value, leaving us somewhere on a continuum from outright rejection to enthusiastic embrace. In this talk, I explore a more nuanced middle path—one that acknowledges both the significant challenges and the many legitimate, if sometimes controversial, applications—inviting colleagues to walk the tightrope with me in this rapidly evolving landscape.

Please see registration page for further information and an abstract.

Wed 26 Feb, '25
CCLS Reading Group

This term we’ll be reading Gillian Rose, who was a Professor at Warwick up until her death in 1995. We will focus on her work on law, modernity, and Marxism.

Reading: Chapter 7 ‘With What Must Science End?’ from Hegel contra Sociology

Everyone with an interest is welcome.

Please email or join the CCLS teams channel for the link to the meeting.

Wed 26 Feb, '25
Law School Lunchtime Research Seminar - Wednesday 26 February 2025
S2.09 / S2.12

Guest Speaker: Lotte Young Andrade, Warwick Law School

Title: (Work-In-Progress) 'Hang on a minute, this is the solicitor's job': The Role of Domestic Violence Advocates in Filling the Gaps Left by Legal Aid.

Starting with lunch at 12:30pm in Room S2.09, followed by the Seminar at 1:00pm in Room S2.12

Wed 26 Feb, '25
Warwick Award Fair 2025
The Street, Zeeman Building

Come along to the Warwick Award Fair and discover a range of skills development opportunities that you can take part in this term.

The Fair is your chance to talk to people running activities that are part of the Award to learn more about what skills they will help you develop, and what future opportunities might be on offer. More than 16 providers will be attending the Fair, including Student Enterprise, Travelteer, our central Careers team, Warwick Volunteers and Warwick Sport Activators to name but a few.

You can also chat to members of the Warwick Award team who will be available for a drop in on the day to help with anything from questions about the Award platform, troubleshooting or problem-solving, or even simply to find out more about the Award and how to register for the Award, find activities, track your progress and more.

Wed 26 Feb, '25
Law School Games Afternoon
Law Student Hub

Join the Student Experience Team for a relaxing afternoon with board and card games. 🎲🃏🎲
We’ll provide snacks and a range of games but feel free to bring your own if you’d like to play them with your friends.

All Law students are welcome!

Sun 2 Mar, '25
Warwick Women’s Night In
Sports and Wellness Hub

Celebrating activity and wellness, women from the University of Warwick’s staff and student community can participate in a range of beginner-friendly activities and connect with the University community in a relaxed and fun environment. The evening will include drop-in and bookable sessions and an opportunity to speak with the Active Wellbeing team about free opportunities to get moving across campus. Come and find out about leagues and our ‘Rock Up and Play’ programme!

Our web page is now live and bookings are now open! Women's night inLink opens in a new window

Tue 4 Mar, '25
Survive and Thrive Finance Fair
SU Atrium

We know that often students can feel overwhelmed with how much they need to manage as part of moving into the following year.

The university is running a fair designed to help students understand some of the things they may need to consider around budgeting and moving out. There will be games, stalls with information on things like transport, accommodation and sport with tips on how to do so on a budget, as well as a competition for you to take part in. There’s even a moves+ challenge linked with the event so check it out.

Book your place now!

Tue 4 Mar, '25
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP - LLM Recruitment Event

Are you currently pursuing a LL.M. degree and thinking of a career in competition law in France? The Paris competition team of Cleary Gottlieb invites you to a virtual event designed to introduce you to the firm, our attorneys, and the work we do. This session, designed for French-speaking students currently pursuing a LL.M. degree in the U.S. and the U.K. with an interest in competition law, offers an excellent opportunity to explore a variety of topics, including our practice areas, team dynamics, and career paths at Cleary Gottlieb.


Tue 4 Mar, '25
Paid Placement Year with Wright Hassall LLP: Online Talk

Want a placement year in a Leamington Spa Law Firm starting in September 2025?

Join us for an informal online talk with local legal practice Wright Hassall about the opportunity for Warwick Law Students. The talk will be given by the Placement lead at Wright Hassall and current placement year students who will share their experiences.

This online talk will give an overview of the firm, the placement opportunity and the application process. The opportunity is open to all non-Visa holding penultimate year students (including those on a year abroad in Academic Year 2024/5) and finalists.

The placement year is paid (£22,000+ pa) and those taking a year out from their degrees are exempt from tuition fees for that year.

Please register to attend the talk.


Organising an event that you would like to share with the Warwick Law School community?
Complete our event submission form