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Prof Jackie Hodgson: Prisoner voting rights - is Parliament missing the point?

Professor Jackie Hodgson, Director of the University of Warwick’s Criminal Justice Centre at the School of Law, said: “Once again the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has ruled that a complete ban on prisoner voting rights is incompatible with the UK’s commitment to the First Protocol to the European Convention of Human Rights."

Wed 11 Feb 2015, 11:30 | Tags: Criminal Justice Centre

Jackie Hodgson questioned for inquiry on Criminal Cases Review Commission

The House of Commons Justice Committee held its first evidence session for its inquiry into the effectiveness of the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC), taking evidence from academics and solicitors. Jackie Hodgson was questioned by MPs.

Thu 15 Jan 2015, 13:50 | Tags: Criminal Justice Centre

Warwick Law School 7th in UK in Quality of Published Research

In the UK Research Excellence Framework results (announced 18 December 2014), Warwick Law School was assessed as coming 6th out of 67 Law Departments in terms of its Research Environment, 7th in terms of the Quality of its Research and 10th overall.

Full details can be found on the REF website.

Foreign nationals in criminal courts to be investigated through British Academy award

Ana Aliverti's research on "Foreign nationals before the criminal courts: immigration status, deportability and punishment" has been awarded funding from the British Academy. Beginning in October the project wims to investigate the impact of immigration status on the treatment of defendants before the criminal justice system.

Mon 18 Aug 2014, 15:24 | Tags: Research, Criminal Justice Centre

Alan Norrie to give keynote at ANZSOC 2014 Conference

Alan Norrie will present a keynote address on ‘Criminal Justice and the Blaming Relation’ at the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) Conference in Sydney, Australia from 1-3 October 2014.

Professor Norrie's address will expand upon his longterm research in criminal law and social theory as well as the development of a new project that will move from the standard legal form of criminal justice (“blaming relation”) to criminal justice's connection with social injustice, the problems of justice when societies perpetrate genocide, the nature of the preventive turn in recent criminal justice, and issues concerning law, transitional and restorative justice.

Wed 13 Aug 2014, 15:11 | Tags: Legal Theory Cluster, Research, Criminal Justice Centre

Alan Norrie to present 'Justice on the Slaughter-Bench' in Bogota

Alan Norrie’s essay ‘Justice on the Slaughter-Bench: The Problem of War Guilt In Arendt and Jaspers’ is being translated into Spanish and published as a short book (La Justicia en el banquillo de la muerte : El problema de la Culpa de la guerra en H. Arendt y K. Jaspers) by the Universidad Libre, Bogota.

He will discuss it at a seminar in Bogota on ‘Constitutions for Peace’ for law students, legal academics and practitioners on 25 September 2014. The purpose of the seminar is to think about the role of law in Colombia’s postconflict situation, following peace negotiations in Habana.

Wed 13 Aug 2014, 14:51 | Tags: Criminal Justice Centre, Legal Theory Cluster, Research

New Book: 'The Constitution of the Criminal Law' by Victor Tadros et al

The third book in the Criminalization series examines the constitutionalization of criminal law. It considers how the criminal law is constituted through the political processes of the state; how the agents of the criminal law can be answerable to it themselves; and finally, how the criminal law can be constituted as part of the international order.

Fri 01 Aug 2014, 14:21 | Tags: Book2013, Criminal Justice Centre, Publication

Victor Tadros awarded Major Research Fellowship

Professor Victor Tadros has been awarded a Major Research Fellowship from The Leverhulme Trust. The Fellowship will continue through September 2017.

The Fellowship project, entitled "To Do, To Die, to Reason Why; The Ethical Lives of Combatants", will provide a wide-ranging ethical investigation of the military lives of combatants before, during and after war.

Solange Mouthaan attends the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict

Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict (10-13 June 2014).

The summit seeks to translate the UN General Assembly's Declaration of Commitment to End Sexual Violence in Conflict into real progress on the ground. More details are available at:

Ana Aliverti awarded Criminology Book Award 2014

Congratulations to Ana Aliverti, who has been co-awarded the British Society of Criminology's Criminology Book Prize 2014 for her book "Crimes of Mobility: Criminal Law and the Regulation of Immigration" (Routledge).

Thu 29 May 2014, 16:04 | Tags: Criminal Justice Centre, Research

Jackie Hodgson elected Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences

Jackie Hodgson has been conferred the award of Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences in recognition of her distinctive and distinguished contributions to Social Science.

Fri 14 Mar 2014, 15:12 | Tags: Criminal Justice Centre, Impact, Research

New Book: 'Inside Police Custody' by Jackie Hodgson et al

Blackstock, J., Lloyd-Cape, E., Hodgson, J., Ogorodova, A. and Spronken, T. Inside Police Custody: An Empirical Account of Suspects' Rights in Four Jurisdictions, published by Intersentia.

This empirical study of the procedural rights of suspects in four EU jurisdictions – France, Scotland, the Netherlands and England and Wales – focuses on three of the procedural rights set out in the EU Roadmap for strengthening the procedural rights of suspected or accused persons in criminal proceedings – the right to interpretation and translation; the right to information and the letter of rights; and the right to legal assistance before and during police interrogation.

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