The IEL Collective Inaugural Conference Blog Symposia
We will be partnering up with Afronomics Law and Critical Legal Thinking to publish a series of symposia relating to themes emerging from our inaugural IEL Collective conference. The blog symposia will also form part of our objective to bring the conference to a wider audience, including those who could not, for different reasons, participate in person.
We encourage all speakers to take advantage of this opportunity to showcase their ideas alongside other reputable and established scholars. We have established an editorial team and all submissions will be subject to review by the editors who may offer helpful suggestions to authors. The editorial team will work to ensure blogs are published in a timely manner.
The submission guidelines for the blog post is below:
- Submissions should not exceed 1,000 words without the prior agreement of the editorial team.
- Please use hyperlinks rather than footnotes.
- Blog entries must be original. Our partner platforms willnot publish blog posts that are not original or that have been posted elsewhere.
- All submissions should be sent
Timeline for editing and publication:
All blog submissions are due by Friday 8 November 2019.
Once we have received your blog post, the editorial team will offer comments and you will have the opportunity to make amendments following the conference.
Final revisions must be received by the editorial team no later than Friday 22 November 2019.
We are aiming for a publication date for all symposia of early/mid December 2019.
We look forward to receiving your blog post!
Best wishes,
Clair Gammage, Mavluda Sattorova and Amaka Vanni
(Editorial Team – for and on behalf of The IEL Collective partners)