Climate Crisis and the Global Economy
The IEL Collective and its members have supported and been engaged in a number of projects on the climate crisis and the global economy.

Disruption, Decarbonisation, Reparations
Warwick's Research in Global Governance Network, with support from numerous IEL Collective members, including Dr. Celine Tan, hosted 2 days of climate-focused panel discussions from September 3 - 4, 2020. This virtual event brought together activists, civil society leaders, and academics from around the world working towards the common goal of climate justice, broadly construed. Over two days of discussion, we touched on many of the diverse strands that form part of the global climate justice conversation. Through the networks formed over two days of enriching discussion, we are in the process of considering outputs and future collaborations.
The event would not have been possible without the generous financial support of Warwick's Research in Global Governance Network and the Solberga Foundation.
See here for the event details and report.

Law School and the Climate Crisis
On 24 September 2021, Sahar Shah, Harpreet Kaur Paul and Celine Tan, in collaboration with the Indigenous Environmental Network, hosted a workshop for legal academics to begin the first of a series of discussions/initiatives to reconsider the way in which the climate crisis is taught in law schools. This project was informed by the virtual climate change conference we held around this time last year, Disruption, Decarbonisation, Reparations. At this event, we tried to experiment with both the substance and form of what might be traditionally found at an academic conference. The conference brought academics into conversation with activists and civil society representatives from around the world. We tried to experiment with format at this conference by making space for not only panel discussions, but also story sharing, and an interactive food journey.
See here for event details and report.