At Warwick Law School we want you to have the best possible academic experience full of adventures and good memories, and we want to support you throughout your time with us so we can flourish together.

We actively seek feedback from students, and provide formal module evaluation forms at the end of each module, as well as the opportunity to be part of the Student Staff Liaison Committee.

You Have Made a Difference at Warwick Law School!

A large number of important changes have been implemented as a direct result of your feedback and are a testament to both student and staff dedication to provide the best education possible.

Take a look at what differences your feedback has made.

Your Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC)

Bethel Udojie - SSLC Committee Lead

Our SSLCs offer essential channels of communication between students and staff and often lead to changes being implemented to improve your student experience. Plus working as a student representative can be a great way of demonstrating your communication and negotiation skills. Find out more about joining the SSLC here.

We welcome the new course representatives for 24/25! The nominations and elections for the remainder of the roles will take place in October 2024.




Law 3 Years


William Sauvel Porter, Tobias Nicolas Abelleyra Lastoria

Law 3 Years


Alyssa Tingle

Law with German Law


Estella Neumayr

Law with French Law


Erin Francis

Law with French Law


Sonja Hallak

Law with Year Abroad in English


Martyna Frankowska

Law with Humanities


Omar Omar

Law and Sociology


Benjamin Hird, Zara Khokhar

Law and Sociology


Cara Kitima

Meet the rest of your SSLC representatives:

Representative Email Course Year
Vivienne Pace (Vice Chair) Law with Year Abroad in English (Qualifying) 4
Tania Sawlani (Publicity Officer) Law 3 Year (Qualifying) 3
Angel Nakhle (Publicity Officer) Law with French 2
Aahan Paul Law 3 Years 1
William Sauvel-Porter Law 3 Years 1
Tilly Weston Law 3 Years 2
Rhea Rangra Law 3 Years 2
Aman Purewal Law 4 Years 1
Vaishnavi Naveenraj Law 4 Years 2
Martyna Frankowska Law with Year Abroad in English 1
Gertrude Duah Kyeremaa Law with Year Abroad in English (Qualifying) 3
Lynn Mutinda Law with Year Abroad in English (Qualifying) 4
Tami Akingbehin Law with German Law 2
Estella Neumayr Law with German Law 1
Lucy Lu Law with German Law (Qualifying) 4
Erin Francis Law with French Law 1
Abdilmuhsin (Omar) Omar Law with Humanities (3 Year) 1
Emily Neville Law and Humanities (3 Years, Qualifying) 3
Nicholas Bozyk Law with Humanities (4 Years, Qualifying) 4
Annie Finan Law with Sociology 1
Diego Small Law with Social Sciences (3 Years, Qualifying) 3

If you have suggestions to improve your experience at Warwick throughout the year, please speak to your SSLC representative or complete our online form.

Our Dedicated Student Experience Team

Rebecca Munro Director of Student Experience

Lauren Horobin Student Engagement and Experience Officer

Ana Kedves Student Engagement and Experience Officer

Our Student Experience team will represent your concerns at teaching forums and staff committees, ensuring that your collective voices about pedagogy, modules, skills, facilities and opportunities are heard and are part of our decision making processes. They will take a leading role in organising events and training activities that will add value to your time here at Warwick. They will also work together with you to ensure effective student representation at different forums and will work closely with Warwick Students’ Union, student societies and the Student Staff Liaison Committee.