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Thursday, April 23, 2020

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Postgraduate Live Chat

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PGT Interim Exam Board
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Knowledge and Understanding Seminar
By Zoom

Speaker: Michael Hannon (Nottingham)

Title: 'Empathetic Understanding in Politics'

Mike will present his paper "Empathetic Understanding in Politics". ​
Abstract: ​
"Epistemic democracy is standardly characterized in terms of “aiming at truth”. This presupposes a veritistic conception of epistemic value, according to which truth is the fundamental epistemic goal. I will raise two objections to the standard (veritistic) account of epistemic democracy, focusing specifically on deliberative democracy. I then propose a version of deliberative democracy that is grounded in non-veritistic epistemic goals. In particular, I argue that deliberation is valuable because it facilitates empathetic understanding. I claim that empathetic understanding is an epistemic good that doesn’t have truth as its primary goal." ​
Mike will talk for around 30 minutes and will be followed by a Q&A session after a quick break. The whole session will probably run a bit shorter than usual, ending at approximately 4.30pm. ​
