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Frames in Production: Actors, Networks, Diffusion (FRAMENET). A collaborative research network across research institutions in Germany, Canada and the UK, funded by the Open Research Area (DFG, SSHRC, ESRC, with an overall budget of £1 million).

Political actors do not present issues objectively. They emphasize and de-emphasize certain elements that influence the way the audience thinks about a particular issue, a framing effect.

A forest, for example, can be framed as a resource pool to be exploited, a source of artistic inspiration, a fragile and complex ecosystem, or a threat that must be tamed. Each frame points to a different policy prescription.

Moreover, not every frame is equally influential on its audience.

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Key research questions

  • Where do 'frames' come from during policy debate?
  • Why and how do actors choose specific frames?

The project investigates how specific statements emerge in policy debate, by whom they are proposed, and how they are more broadly diffused into the public arena.

The project studies frames in five key issue areas, with two carefully selected political debates in each of these issue areas:

  1. Trade
  2. Immigration
  3. Environment
  4. Global Health, and
  5. Transparency

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