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Previous Events

Dissemination Workshops

We organised our first dissemination workshop in April 2021. The workshop was titled "Exposure to political violence and economic behavior" and hosted online by the University of Warwick. See the programme hereLink opens in a new window.

The second dissemination workshop titled "Exposure to armed conflict and private economic activity" took place on February 17, 2022 and was hosted online by the University of Warwick. See programme here.

On November 23-24, 2022, we showcased the latest project outputs at the "Exposure to Political Violence and Individual Behavior" workshop we organized and hosted at the University of Warwick with the participation of the Households in Conflict Network. See programme hereLink opens in a new window.

Other Presentations

Several outputs of the project have been presented at international workshops and conferences, including:

1) February 2020, 3rd International Conference on the Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship, University of Muenster, Germany; "Exposure to Political Violence and Intimate Partner Abuse: A Natural Experiment"

2) February 2021, 4th International Conference on the Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship, University of Muenster, Germany; "The Impact of Exposure to Armed Conflict on Risk and Ambiguity Attitudes"

3) March 2021, Economics seminar series, Sabanci University, Turkey; "The Impact of Exposure to Armed Conflict on Risk and Ambiguity Attitudes"

4) April 2021, 78th Midwest Political Science Association Conference, Chicago, USA; "The Impact of Exposure to Armed Conflict on Risk and Ambiguity Attitudes"

5) June 2021, 20th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference; "The Impact of Exposure to Armed Conflict on Risk and Ambiguity Attitudes"

6) October 2021, Households in Conflict Network’s (HICN) annual workshop at University of Konstanz, Germany, "Individual Exposure to Armed Conflict and Entrepreneurship"

7) February 2022, Economics seminar series, Birkbeck College, "The Impact of Exposure to Armed Conflict on Altruistic Preferences"

8) February 2022, 5th International Conference on the Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship, University of Muenster, Germany, "Individual Exposure to Armed Conflict and Entrepreneurship"

9) April 2022, 79th Midwest Political Science Association Conference, Chicago, USA; "The Impact of Exposure to Armed Conflict on Altruistic Preferences"

10) April 2022, International Relations/Center for International Development and Conflict Management (IR/CIDCM) workshop, Department of Government and Politics, University of Maryland, "The Impact of Exposure to Armed Conflict on Altruistic Preferences"

11) May 2022, Mobilization and Radicalization Workshop, University of Konstanz, Germany, "The Impact of Exposure to Armed Conflict on Altruistic Preferences"

12) June 2022, 21st Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, King's College, London, UK; "The Impact of Exposure to Armed Conflict on Altruistic Preferences"

13) September, 2022, Workshop on Trust in Challenging Contexts, University of Essex, UK; "Armed Conflict Exposure and Trust: Evidence from a natural experiment in Turkey"

14) October, 2022, New Pathways of Conflict Research, LMU Munich, Germany; "Exposure to Political Violence and Individual Behavior"

15) October, 2022, Invited seminar, University of Konstanz, Germany; "Does War Foster Cooperation or Parochialism? Evidence from a Natural Experiment among Turkish Conscripts"

16) December, 2022, Workshop on Terrorism, University of Warwick, UK; "Does War Foster Cooperation or Parochialism? Evidence from a Natural Experiment among Turkish Conscripts"

17) February, 2023, 6th International Conference on the Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship, University of Muenster, Germany; "Does War Foster Cooperation or Parochialism? Evidence from a Natural Experiment among Turkish Conscripts"

18) June, 2023, 4th LSE Workshop on Political Economy of Turkey, London School Of Economics, UK; "Does War Foster Cooperation or Parochialism? Evidence from a Natural Experiment among Turkish Conscripts"

19) June 2023, 22nd Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, University of Bologna, Italy; "Does War Foster Cooperation or Parochialism? Evidence from a Natural Experiment among Turkish Conscripts"


Contact Us

Department of Politics and International Studies,
University of Warwick,
Coventry, CV4-7AL
A dot Kibris at warwick dot ac dot uk