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CSGR Staff at AGORA II Workshop

Institutional Diversity in the Governance of the Global Economy: New Actors, New Perpsectives

With support from CSGR and Griffith University, scholars from CSGR attended the AGORA II workshop in Brisbane at Griffith University.  This workshop was limited to twelve papers, including contributions from Louise Walker (CSGR); Leonard Seabrooke (CBS/CSGR); Jason Sharman (Griffith); Jeff Chwieroth (LSE), Kate Weaver (University of Texas at Austin); Kristen Hopewell (Michigan); Anja Jakobi (PRIF); Matias Margulis (McMaster); Daniel Mugge (University of Amsterdam); Brad Parks (LSE); and Wesley Widmaier (Griffith). The workshop was conducted against the tragic backdrop of the Brisbane flood. Still, it was an engaging and stimulating workshop for all concerned. AGORA III will be held at the Norwegian Institute for International Affairs later in 2011. 

AGORA II, Brisbane

Mon 31 Jan 2011, 23:18

CSGR Staff at AGORA Workshop

Knowledge Networks and Policy Communities in the Global Political Economy

 With support from CSGR and Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies, AGORA held its first biannual research workshop at Brown University from June 21-23, 2010.  This workshop was limited to twelve papers, including contributions from Andrew Baker (Queen's, Belfast); Cornel Ban (Brown); Ruth Ben Artzi (Providence); John L. Campbell (Dartmouth); Steven Nelson (Northwestern); Abraham Newman (Georgetown); Ove Kaj Pedersen (CBS); Tal Sadeh (Tel Aviv); Ole Jacob Sending (NUPI); Diane Stone (Warwick); Jason Thistlewaite (Waterloo); and Eleni Tsingou (Warwick). The discussants included: Mark Blyth (Brown); Leonard Seabrooke (Warwick); Kate Weaver (Austin); and Wesley Widmaier (Griffith).




Fri 25 Jun 2010, 05:03

Post/Doctoral Workshop on the World Bank Stockholm, 30-31 May 2010

The sixth post-doctoral workshop on the World Bank coincided with the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics. The event was convened by Diane Stone on behalf of CSGR and the Researchers Alliance for Development.  Other partners include GARNET and the World Bank. The Call for papers, program and papers can be found on the links below.
Thu 27 May 2010, 14:16 | Tags: Conferences, meetings, etc.

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