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Analysis of Factors Influencing China's Accession to the GPA.

Ye Meng

CSGR Paper 254/08

November 2008


China, with a huge market in government procurement, submitted an application to join the WTO GPA and formally began the negotiating process with the other signatories to the Agreement while the current parties were revising the 1994 GPA. International trade is not simply the outcome of market forces, of relative supply and demand. Rather, it is the result of a complex and interlocking network of bargains that are partly economic and partly political. This article discusses the main factors influencing China’s accession to the GPA from the perspective of trade negotiation, outlines the possible emerging problems and difficulties in the course of the accession and provides a brief recommendation to make the negotiations go on wheels.

Legislation: Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA)

Subject: PUBLIC PROCUREMENT. Other related subjects: Trade Negotiation

Keywords: China; Accession; GPA; Parties; influencing factors

Contact Details:

Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation (CSGR)

University of Warwick
CV4 7AL Coventry (UK)