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Maria Pia Riggirozzi


‘Research-Policy Dynamics in Argentina’s Judicial Reform: Knowledge Producers, Knowledge Users and the World Bank’. Prepared for the Global Development Network’s Project ‘Bridging Research and Policy Project’. Forthcoming.



‘Bridging Policy and Poverty: Micro Impact of Macroeconomic and Adjustment Policies Programme in Bangladesh’. Evaluation study on the Influence of Research on Public Policy of IDRC-supported activities. International Development Research Centre, Canada.



‘The Influence of Research on Policy: Micro Impact of Macroeconomic and Adjustment Policies in Philippines’ (with Tuplin, T.). Evaluation study on the Influence of Research on Public Policy of IDRC-supported activities. International Development Research Centre, Canada



‘A Study of IDRC Sponsored Projects and Policy Influence: The G-24 Technical Support Service’ (with Tussie, D. and Tuplin, T.). Evaluation study on the Influence of Research on Public Policy of IDRC-supported activities. International Development Research Centre, Canada.



‘Pressing Ahead with New Procedures for Old Machinery: Global Governance and Civil Society’ (with Tussie, D.) In Rittberger, V. (ed) Global Governance and The United Nations System. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 158-180.



‘Multilateral Development Banks, Governments, and Civil Society: Chiaroscuros in a Triangular Relationship’ (with Casaburi G, Tuozzo F, and Tussie D.) Global Governance. Special Issue. 6 (4). Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 493- 518.


In Spanish:


‘Sociedad civil y organismos internacionales: dilemas y desafíos de una nueva relación’ (with Rabotnikof, N. and Tussie, D.). In Panfichi, A. (ed) Sociedad Civil, Esfera Pública y Democratización en América Latina: Andes y Cono Sur. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 47-77.



‘Los Organismos Internacionales Frente a la Sociedad Civil: Las Agendas en Juego’ (with Rabotnikof, N. and Tussie, D.). In Tussie, D. (ed) Luces y Sombras de una Nueva Relación: el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, el Banco Mundial y la Sociedad Civil. Buenos Aires: FLACSO/ Temas Grupo Editorial, 39-71.


‘El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, el Banco Mundial y la Sociedad Civil’ (with Casaburi G and Tuozzo F.). In Tussie, D. (ed) Luces y Sombras de una Nueva Relación: el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, el Banco Mundial y la Sociedad Civil. Buenos Aires: FLACSO/ Temas Grupo Editorial, 213-229.

In Portuguese:


‘Novos Procedimentos e Velhos Mecanismos: A Governança Global e a Sociedade Civil’. In Esteves, Paulo Luiz (ed) Instituções Internacionais: Comercio, Segurança e Integração. Belo Horizonte: Editora PUCMINAS, 41-70.