Research Seminar in Post-Kantian European Philosophy, 2019/2020
Unless otherwise stated, Post-Kantian European Philosophy Research Group seminars take place on Tuesdays, 5:30–7:30pm in Room S0.11 (ground floor of Social Studies). All welcome. For further information, please contact tbc
Tue 26 Jan, '21- |
CRPLA/Habitability GRP Seminar: Mark Bould (UWE), 'The Anthropocene Unconscious: Climate Catastrophe Culture' |
Tue 2 Feb, '21- |
CRPLA Seminar on Art and the Digital: Eleen Deprez and Shelby Moser |
Tue 2 Mar, '21- |
POSTPONED - CRPLA Seminar: Karen Zumhagen-Yekplé (Tulane) - Book Symposium |
Tue 16 Mar, '21- |
CRPLA Seminar on Sustainability and Consumption: Kate Soper and Rachel Bowlby |
Tue 12 Oct, '21- |
CRPLA Seminar: Marion Thain (KCL), 'Attention Studies and Close Reading'See the Centre for Attention Studies at King's. Zoom link: |
Tue 26 Oct, '21- |
CRPLA Seminar: Michael Räber (UCLA/Zurich), ‘Democratic Visibility: The import of Cavell’s aesthetics of film to a political philosophy of visibility’ |
Tue 23 Nov, '21- |
CRPLA Seminar: James MacDowell (Warwick): 'YouTube Aesthetics and "YouTube Art"’ (on Zoom) |
Tue 18 Jan, '22- |
CRPLA Seminar: Amy De'Ath (KCL), 'Hidden Abodes and Inner Bonds: Literary Study and Marxist-Feminism' |
Tue 1 Feb, '22- |
CRPLA Seminar: Daniel Abrahams (Glasgow), 'Taming the culture war: A theory of why people fight over humour' |
Tue 1 Mar, '22- |
CRPLA Seminar: Victoria Rimell (Warwick), 'Philosophers' stone: enduring Niobe' (Note change to hybrid event!)S0.20 |
Tue 15 Mar, '22- |
CRPLA Seminar: Lorenzo Serini (Warwick), "Friedrich Nietzsche: Cheerful Thinker and Writer. A Reflection on Cheerfulness and the Style(s) of Philosophy"R0.14 (and on Teams)The theme of cheerfulness in Nietzsche's philosophy has recently been at the centre of an important debate in the literature between Robert Pippin (2010) and Lanier Anderson and Rachel Cristy (2017). Engaging with these scholars, I will consider three major questions: (1) What is cheerfulness? (2) What is its value for philosophy? (3) Is Nietzsche a cheerful thinker and writer? If yes, in what sense? As insinuated by the title of this presentation, I propose that it is possible to argue that starting from his middle writings Nietzsche thinks and writes cheerfully in some of his works, including a number of significant ones.
In person and on Teams: |
Tue 24 May, '22- |
CRPLA Symposium: Celebrating Beistegui and PoellnerS0.20 / TeamsCRPLA will celebrate the Warwick careers of our long-time Philosophy colleagues, Professor Miguel Beistegui and Professor Peter Poellner, by enjoying talks from them, followed by discussion and a reception. There will be Teams access to the talks: Click here to join the meetingLink opens in a new window
Professor Beistegui will follow up on the CRPLA reading group that he led in Autumn 2020:
“On the Manifold Meaning of Crisis: Deviation, Exception, Contradiction, Extinction”
Professor Poellner will introduce us to his new bookLink opens in a new window from Oxford UP:
'Précis of Value in Modernity'
Tue 11 Oct, '22- |
CRPLA Book Symposium on Karen Zumhagen-Yekplé, A Different Order of Difficulty: Literature after WittgensteinA0.23 (Soc Sci) and on TeamsPanelists Eileen John, Nick Lawrence, and Emma Williams (Warwick), with comments by Professor Zumhagen-Yekplé (who will join us on Teams) |
Tue 25 Oct, '22- |
CRPLA Seminar: Monique Roelofs (Amsterdam) - Decoloniality beyond Transculturation: Memory, Fluids, and Life in Claudia Llosa’s The Milk of SorrowA0.23 (Soc Sci)Elaborating decolonial and intersectional methods, aesthetics has developed rich tools for tackling power differences. How to comprehend the cultural field if it is at once a site of heinous expropriation and violence and one of vital social and political possibility? This essay explores this question through Claudia Llosa’s film The Milk of Sorrow (La teta asustada) (2009). The film, I indicate, reworks racial, gendered, and colonial logics and supplants a model of transculturation, magical realism, and syncretism by a cultural vision of a web of multivalent, pluri-directional aesthetic promises and threats. Thus it presents a young indigenous woman as a contemporary decolonial actor who renders memory livable and opens up unforeseen futures for her shantytown and country. I signal the implications for the positioning of the decolonial feminist spectator or culture maker and for the notion of a decolonial aesthetics. Aesthetic existence at the intersection of oppression and liberation, although tremendously impure and troubled, functions as a bountiful font of feminist energy and sustenance and a site of communal caring and imagination. |
Tue 6 Dec, '22- |
CRPLA Seminar: Antonia Hofstätter (Warwick) – 'Falling Stars, Dying Planets, and the Limits of Natural Beauty: Reflections on Adorno’s Aesthetics in the Age of the Anthropocene'A0.23 (Soc Sci) and on Teams |
Tue 17 Jan, '23- |
CRPLA & WMA Seminar: Paul Smith (Warwick History of Art) - Cezanne, perception, autism: (not) putting the pieces together; Comments by Naomi Eilan (Philosophy)A0.23 (Soc Sci) |
Tue 31 Jan, '23- |
CRPLA Seminar: Catherine Wheatley (KCL), 'Green means go. A brief cultural history of the green light'A0.23 (Soc Sci) |
Tue 14 Mar, '23- |
CRPLA Seminar: Michael Gardiner (Warwick ECLS) - 'Tanizaki Jun'ichirō, Kyoto, and the Transparency Society'A0.23 (Soc Sci) |
Wed 3 May, '23- |
CANCELLED: German Studies/CRPLA Research Seminar with Lydia GoehrOrganisers: Antonia Hofstätter and Christine Achinger (German Studies/Modern Languages) |
Tue 16 Jan, '24- |
CRPLA Seminar: Michael Thomas (Amsterdam), 'Towards a Social Aesthetics of Race'R0.03 (Ramphal Building) |
Tue 30 Jan, '24- |
CRPLA Talk 'Narrative afterlife: translating lived experience into literary texts'R3.41Caroline Summers (Warwick SMLC)
5:30pm - 7pm, Tue, 30 Jan '24 Location: Ramphal R3.41
Narrative afterlife: translating lived experience into literary texts
Literary studies is fond of the metaphor of an ‘afterlife’ to describe the enduring resonance and visibility of an author’s work long after they have died. Meanwhile, in Translation Studies, the term has a more specific meaning, rooted in Walter Benjamin’s exploration of the concept in his 1923 essay ‘The Task of the Translator’. Benjamin tells us that true translation is the point at which ‘a work, in its continuing life, has reached the age of its fame. […] In [translation], the original’s life achieves its constantly renewed, latest and most comprehensive development’. Thus, for Benjamin, translation is a form that embodies something not otherwise captured in the original text. The possibility of translation is something that both is inherent in the essence of an original and contributes to its transformational fulfilment of self: it is at once a remainder of the past and a projection of the future.
Building chiefly on the work of Bella Brodzki (2007), who frames the text as a ‘literary invigoration’ of memory, this paper reads the literary narrative as a ‘translation’ of experience and asks what Benjamin’s reading of afterlife might teach literary studies more broadly about the relationship between the stories we live and those that we read or write. Exploiting the intersection between literary narratology and a sociological understanding of experience as narrative, the paper draws on literary accounts of German Reunification (1989/90) to explore how these texts create a space in which the spectres of experience can enjoy a long afterlife.
In collaboration with the Warwick Workshop for Interdisciplinary German Studies |
Tue 27 Feb, '24- |
CRPLA Online Seminar: Eleonore Stump (St Louis), 'Revelation and the Veridicality of Narratives'This is an online event. Professor Stump will speak remotely. Follow this link to join the seminar: opens in a new window |
Tue 30 Apr, '24- |
CRPLA Seminar with Antal Bokay - 'Sophocles, Freud and Robert Wilson: A Spectacle of Our Inner Abyss'S0.18 |
Tue 8 Oct, '24- |
CRPLA Seminar: Emma Mason (Warwick), ‘Edith Stein's phenomenological mysticism’S0.20Teams link here |
Tue 19 Nov, '24- |
CRPLA Seminar: Miguel Beistegui (ICREA/UPF), 'Tragedy, Crisis, and the State of Exception: On Carl Schmitt’s Hamlet or Hecuba'S0.20Teams link here |
Thu 5 Dec, '24- |
PKEP & CRPLA Collaborative Seminar - Paul Kottman (New School), 'Ethics and Contemporary Aesthetic Culture'S0.19 |
Wed 22 Jan, '25- |
Film & TV/ CRPLA Research Seminar: Catherine Constable (Warwick), 'Deceitful Mazes and Demonic Grounds: Gendered and Raced Sublimities in Under the Skin'FAB0.21 - Cinema |