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Programme of Events 2024-25

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Tue 25 Feb, '25
CRPLA Seminar: Murray Smith (Kent)
Tue 6 May, '25
CRPLA Seminar: Professor Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad (Lancaster)
Fri 6 Jun, '25 - Sat 7 Jun, '25
10am - 6pm
BSA/CRPLA Warwick-Auburn Workshop: On Seeking a Community of Taste

Runs from Friday, June 06 to Saturday, June 07.

The notion of a community that holds together on aesthetic terms seems to be a way of balancing or tempering individualist conceptions of aesthetic life. But what is needed to sustain an aesthetic community? Is agreement in taste required? Is taste the right conceptual focus, with respect to aesthetic community? What is the potential for diversity within aesthetic community? This workshop will bring together speakers from Warwick and Auburn, plus speakers responding to a call for papers (to be announced in the new year), to engage with these issues in a wide-ranging, critical spirit.

This event is made possible through support from the British Society of Aesthetics.
