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Whichever MA programme you choose, you'll be required to take 120 CATS (credits) in taught modules. Our modules are either taught across one term or both terms. If you pass the taught element of your course, you'll then be able to undertake a dissertation (worth 60 CATS). The core modules you are required to take depend on your course. See below for cores and options in each discipline; please note these lists show modules that are running in 2018/19 and are indicative of what will be available in the future.

PPE Core Module

All students take our year-long: PPE Advanced Interdisciplinary Topics (40 CATS)


Tripartite and Bipartite Philosophy students must take a 20 CATS core module in Philosophy from the full MA module section. MA module section.

Tripartite and Bipartite Philosophy students also have access to all Philosophy MA modules to fulfil their optional module requirements.

Politics and International Studies

Tripartite and Bipartite Politics course must take a 20 CATS (or where chosen 40 CATS) core module in Politics and International Studies from a list of MA Core Modules:

20 CATS modules
40 CATS modules (year long to be take in place of core and 20 CATS optional module)

PO9D8: Theories of and Actors in International Development

PO9C3: Issues in International Development

PO9D6: Theories in International Political Economy

PO9C4: Issues in International Political Economy

PO9D7: Theories in International Relations

PO9C5: Issues in International Relations

PO979: United States Security Policy

PO980: United States Foreign Policy

PO9D2: The EU as an International Actor: Engaging with the Neighbourhood

PO9E1: The EU in International Affairs: Concepts and Themes

PO920: International Relations of the Asia-Pacific

PO966: Concepts and Theories of International Security

PO9A4: Normative Analysis

PO977: Theories and Traditions in Public Policy

Tripartite and Bipartite Politics students also have access to all PAIS MA modules to fulfil their optional module requirements.


Tripartite and Bipartite Economics course must take a core module in Economics either Economic Analysis: Microeconomics or Economic Analysis: Macroeconomics

Tripartite and Bipartite Economics course take optional modules according to their background in Economics.

All students on Tripartite and Bipartite Economics course contains quantitative elements and students will need to be competent in several areas of mathematics. All student attend a short pre-sessional mathematics and statistics course before the term starts.