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Jane Bryan named as Law Teacher of the Year Finalist

Warwick Law School Associate Professor Dr Jane Bryan has been shortlisted for the 2019 Law Teacher of the Year Award.

The award, which aims to recognise the best talent in law teaching, called for nominations from both staff and students at the end of last year and Jane has made the finals along with four other shortlisted candidates.

Fri 15 Feb 2019, 11:19 | Tags: Law, Homepage

Expert Comment: The Double Slap in Cuts to Social Care

Following a new Human Rights Watch report on older people’s social care needs, Professor Kimberley Brownlee from the Department of Philosophy has argued that current social care service provision is a slap to both service users and support workers.

Fri 11 Jan 2019, 10:09 | Tags: Philosophy, Homepage

Jennifer Robinson's visit to the PPL programme

On 13 November, Jennifer Robinson, a human rights barrister from the Doughty Street Chambers in London, visited the PPL programme.

Tue 27 Nov 2018, 09:42 | Tags: Homepage, PPL

Congratulations to our first cohort

Congratulations to everyone who has met their offer and firmed up PPL. We are looking forward to meeting our new cohort very soon.

Check out our Welcome to PPL page to find out what comes next in your PPL journey.

If you missed out on your offer, other programmes may still be available to join Warwick through clearing.

Thu 16 Aug 2018, 10:19 | Tags: Homepage, PPL

Philosophy Department awarded the Bronze Athena Swan Award

We are delighted to announce that University of Warwick Philosophy Department has been awarded a Bronze Athena Swan award by the Equality Challenge Unit.

The Department is amongst the first Philosophy Departments in the UK be successful in achieving such an award and we look forward to working on our detailed and lengthy action plan over the coming months and years.

Tue 11 Jul 2017, 07:44 | Tags: Philosophy, Homepage

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