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WBS Mentoring Programme Newsfeed

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Mentor Exchange: Buddy-Up! Advice and Tips

The Mentor Exchange: Buddy Up! session enlightened our mentors, with lots of discussion around how to manage mentees who intermittently contact you - usually with imperative issues - to likening mentoring to a dance of directive and non-directive approaches.

One of the most significant tips we found was the following:

"When mentees are struggling for time, offer a 20minute catch-up to help prioritize"
This tip enables you to catch up with the mentee and ensure that conversations are succinct, effective, and that the mentee has time for the conversation in-between family, work or other lifestyle commitments.

We have compiled some advice and tips from your fellow mentors who have experienced similar hardships and successes to yourselves.

Click through to see more!

Tue 25 Oct 2022, 15:48 | Tags: globalmentoringprogramme, mentoringprogramme

Save the Date: Mentor Buddy-Up!

We are delighted to announce our new WBS Mentor Buddy Exchange, an opportunity for you to buddy up with other mentors, share and connect about your mentoring experiences.

Date: Tuesday 25th October 2022

Location: WBSLive

Time: 12:00-14:00 GMT/UK Time

Keep your eyes peeled for an exclusive email inviting you to attend!
Fri 07 Oct 2022, 16:02

Inclusivity Event: Does hybrid working really foster inclusion?

The Global Mentoring Programme is pleased to promote embracing diversity, through this inspiring online webinar on Thursday 6th October, 12:30-14:00 GMT, hosted by Nita Lad.

"Is hybrid working really fostering an inclusive culture, or does it bring further challenges?"

"How is this working for leaders, employers, workers?"

WBS is launching a new series called Embracing Diversity to increase understanding of intersectionality and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. We’ll have debates, keynotes with enlightening interactive sessions about the opportunities and challenges facing leaders and organisations. We’ll have leaders from all intersections of business and society.

Click here to sign onto the event 'Does hybrid working really foster inclusion?' Link opens in a new window

Mon 26 Sept 2022, 16:35

Mentoring Tips and Tricks

It was wonderful to see our mentors and mentees at the recent Mentor and Mentee Exchanges which were held on the 16th and 17th of August.

The sessions allowed us to learn from you and what you would like to see from us. One of these was to be able to share tips and tricks, not only from the perspective of your fellow mentors, but also to discover what mentees found productive.

What can we say? You request, we do it!

Have a peek at the mentoring tips and tricks compiled by your community, for your community, in order to help progress your mentoring relationships.

Thu 25 Aug 2022, 11:49 | Tags: globalmentoringprogramme, mentoringprogramme

Special event access: Developing a Personal Brand - Workshop, 24 August at 12.00 BST

In the post-pandemic world, future-proofing your career requires online visibility, thought-leadership and a wholehearted commitment to Project You - in addition to earning your professional stripes (degrees, qualifications, work experience etc).

Ioana Jago PMP, Personal Branding and Growth Marketing Strategist, will take you on a journey from the 'why' behind Personal Branding to the 'how' to achieve or build on this for yourself.

Sign-up Link: The Power of Personal Branding for Professional Visibility and Growth (

Wed 03 Aug 2022, 13:43

How has the Mentoring Programme Helped You?

'A smile broke out on my face as I thought back to the thrill of staring at the acceptance letter aeons ago, and the unforgettable journey it launched...'

- Gülcan Telci, a mentor on the WBS Global Mentoring Programme, sharing her experience studying an MBA and joining the programme.

Hearing from our mentees and mentors on how the programme has helped them is invaluable to us. If you would like to share your story with the community, please get into contact with or

Mon 25 Jul 2022, 13:29 | Tags: globalmentoringprogramme

Sanjiv Patel Steps Down from being Co-Chair of the Steering Committee

After dedicating nearly a decade of his time to volunteering for the Steering Committee and then becoming a Co-Chair, Sanjiv has now stepped down from the position of Co-Chair within the Steering Committee.

We are incredibly thankful for everything he has done as Co-Chair, and pleased that he will continue to be a part of the SteerCo group. Taking up the post in his place will be Gary Lloyd, another experienced and longtime volunteer within the Steering Committee.

Mon 11 Jul 2022, 11:30 | Tags: globalmentoringprogramme, mentoringprogramme

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Any queries or concerns?

Please get in touch.

Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager

donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371

Donna Curtis, WBS

CareersPlus at wbs dot ac dot uk