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Gillmore Centre Network

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Enterprising Investor blog

Be part of the latest Practical analysis for investment professionals. Find out more by visiting this blog!

Tue 13 Jun 2023, 13:58 | Tags: Dan Philps, Research

Digital Currency Runs presentation by David Skeie

David has presented his paper ' Digital Currency runs' at conferences between 2019-23.

Tue 13 Jun 2023, 13:53 | Tags: Research, David Skeie

Inaugural Policy Forum 2022 - DeFi & Digital Currencies: The Challenges & Opportunities for Policy Makers

To drive stakeholder communication and enhance understanding of different stakeholder perspectives, the Gillmore Centre holds both in-person events and online symposiums, attracting an audience from academia, practice and regulators working in Fintech LINK,

The DeFi & Digital Currencies Conference in September 2022 assembled leading global Finance & Economics academics to present papers & discuss critical issues in this emerging Fintech development area LINK.

The DeFi & Digital Currencies Policy Forum will supplement the Conference by focussing on the perspective of Policymakers in identifying the key challenges and opportunities in regulating & developing DeFi & Digital Currencies. In line with the Gillmore Centre's mission, the Policy Forum's key objective is to guide, inform and shape future academic research amongst the Gillmore Centre researcher network through better alignment and calibration with Policymakers’ sphere of interest.

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