Join our EUTOPIA Student Network

What is EUTOPIA?
EUTOPIA is a challenge-led, student-centred, place-based inclusive alliance of entrepreneurial, change focused universities.
Our joint mission is to build a distinctive, daring and driven alliance of transformative and engaged institutions:
- To produce challenge-driven research and teaching
- To prepare empowered European graduate employment
- To lead regional and international involvement
- To support diversity, inclusivity and widening citizenship
The EUTOPIA alliance is committed to delivering open, innovative and inclusive higher education in Europe.
The ten partners are committed to modernise education and training, and provide 21st century skills and competencies in all of Europe’s regions. We are already working together to develop international opportunities for our staff and students.
Join the EUTOPIA Student Network
There will be many opportunities to get involved in EUTOPIA activities in the upcoming year - sign up to the network and we'll keep you updated.
- Work with students from abroad
- Improve your CV and acquire new skills and competences
- Build a student network across Europe
- Develop your intercultural and employability skills
- Have the opportunity to get experience in working in an international team
Past events and opportunities
‘BeEUTOPIAn’ Student Conference
Two motivated, enthusiastic, organised students will represent Warwick and join the team of EUTOPIA students responsible for arranging the ‘BeEUTOPIAn’ student conference 2021
International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR)
Many thanks to the student presenters and audience members from across EUTOPIA who participated in the International Conference for Undergraduate Research (ICUR) on the 29th & 30th September 2020.
EUTOPIA students presented their research projects in video-linked sessions to ICUR partner universities around the world. A range of topics were presented and discussed, from “Housing in Saint Petersburg: providing access to safe, adequate and affordable housing for all” to “The lytic life cycle of the bacteriophage GIL01 infecting Bacillus thuringiensis is activated by the gp6 protein”. In total, ICUR ran 109 sessions across the two days with over 2500 unique views.
ICUR was established through a collaboration between staff at Monash University and the University of Warwick in 2013, and is supported by the Monash Warwick Alliance.
wediscover days barcelona
Students had the opportunity to virtually participate in a WeDiscover three-day event (28 -30 Oct) hosted by the University Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona.
Watch the recordings of the Barcelona eventLink opens in a new window