Get Involved
There are over 30 EUTOPIA Connected Learning Communities and Warwick lead or a participating member in nineteen of them. Academics can join a CLC to work and exchange resources with partner institutions.
If you are interested in getting involved please contact Dr Mélina Delmas, Research Assistant and EUTOPIA Local Facilitator, melina dot delmas at warwick dot ac dot uk
Our current CLCs:
- Multilingualism and Diversity
- Data and Critical Thinking
- Geography, Environment and Sustainability
- Mechanisms of Emotion
- Europe in the World
- Technological Business Development
- Legal History
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Social Power and Social Change
- Citizenship, Social Values and Ethics in Sustainability
- EUTOPIA Hackathon
- Text ND Discourse
- Creative Research Methods
- Global Connections
- Nursing Care in Complex Care Situations
- Managing Migration
- Design and Science
- Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in data Processing
- Fundamentals of Television Direction
- Interdisciplinary Learning platform for Sport for Social Change
- Urban Education
- Leading Strategic Innovation in Healthcare
- Urban Catastrophes
- Global Health