Internationalisation Strategy – tell us what works for you
Council Chamber, Senate House, Wednesday 5 June 2019, 15.30 – 17.00, pre-booking required
We are committed to growing our reputation as one of the world’s exceptional universities, through global recognition of our research and education excellence. Our world-leading research will continue to grow in terms of its international reach and impact, and our education offer will be transformative, enriching and international in outlook. We want to ensure that all members of our University community benefit from our intercultural interactions, which are founded on our core values of inclusivity and respect. We will consider the international dimension of everything we do, whether at a local, regional or global level, as we develop our international partnerships.
Please join us to hear about Warwick’s new Internationalisation Strategy and tell us what you think!
Your feedback on the strategy will help inform the final version which will be approved by Council in July.
The session is open to all and will be led by Professor Simon Swain, PVC (External Engagement), and Professor Mike Shipman, incoming PVC (International). It will be supported by Ailsa Chambers, Director of International Strategy and Relations, and members of the International Strategy and Relations team.
Refreshments will be provided, online pre-booking required.