Professor Lorenzo Frigerio represents Warwick on a UK delegation to Colombia
In June, Professor Lorenzo Frigerio, Head of School (Life Sciences), represented Warwick on a UK delegation to Colombia led by Universities UK International (UUKi). The visit aimed to identify and facilitate opportunities for cooperation in teaching, research, postgraduate training and mobility. Alongside a focus on peace-building and transitional justice, the delegation also explored fast-developing opportunities for cooperation in research across the life sciences, social sciences and the arts and humanities. The visit to Bogota and Medellin included meetings with the British Council, the Ministry of Education, key governmental and non-governmental bodies and universities. A follow up meeting was hosted by the Colombian Embassy in London in late July to discuss next steps for the UK sector.
Colombia is a one of 18 Newton Fund partner countries and Warwick researchers were recently awarded Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) funds to support research links in Chemistry (Prof Mark Barrow) and Life Sciences (Prof Georgy Koentges).