Warwick supports graduates to secure employment in China
On Saturday 3 March, the University of Warwick organised and hosted The China Graduate Recruitment Careers Fair, a leading national event designed to help graduates from universities across the country secure employment in China.
This is a crucial event for the UK Higher Education sector as Professor Lawrence Young, University of Warwick Vice-President China explains,
In order for the UK to continue to attract talented students from China, it’s vital that we at Warwick, and the UK HE sector as a whole, are actively supporting our graduates to explore and secure employment opportunities. Warwick is committed to working with partners in China to improve our student experience and strengthen our research and teaching. An integral part of this is to support our Chinese graduates in their transition into the workplace and we are delighted to have hosted the Careers Fair as a national HE flagship event for Chinese-student employability.
Warwick is proven to be a great source of graduate recruitment for leading employers in China, as Maria Forrest from KPMG China explains,
The China Graduate Recruitment Careers Fair was excellent and extremely well organised. Testament to the Warwick careers team and the support they offer their students is the fact that KPMG China recruits the largest number of its roles from Warwick compared with any other University in the world outside of China.”
Now in its fifth year the Careers Fair attracted over 1,500 students from Warwick and the seven partner universities of Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham, Leeds, Lancaster, Aston and Liverpool. The Fair, organised by the Warwick Student Careers & Skills International team is designed to give students advice on how to secure a role in China, and an opportunity to hear presentations directly from employers on the key skills they are looking for in an applicant. This fair offers students the unique opportunity to meet with a wide range of graduate recruiting employers all in one place, on one day. By enabling such a unique opportunity for face-to-face employer to student networking, a large number of students are now being fast-tracked through the employers’ graduate application process.
James Huang, Decathlon China, congratulated Warwick on providing such a warm welcome and said
Meeting the students from Warwick and the seven other universities brought us the diversity of educational backgrounds we need to match and fulfil our whole chain company recruitment needs.”
If you would like to find out more about Warwick’s activity in China please visit www.warwick.ac.uk/global/partnerships/priorities/warwickinchina/